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Task window stops responding after a short while playing


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I'm having a bit of an issue with our WO5 setup.  I have a show with numerous Task comps so I can cue live various scenes.  However, when I have one play for about ten minutes or so then the whole task window stops responding.  I cannot stop the previous task playing nor can I start up another until I log off and back on again.


My first thought was perhaps my firewall is doing something strange - but this was off.  I'm hard-wired into a Gigabit network - so no WiFi issues here.  Any suggestions for more troubleshooting?


Many thanks,


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...  I have a show with numerous Task comps so I can cue live various scenes.  However, when I have one play for about ten minutes or so then the whole task window stops responding.  I cannot stop the previous task playing nor can I start up another until I log off and back on again....



Could you clarify " log off and back on again " ?

Stage Offline - Online? Quit and restart watchmaker?


While I have triggered tasks (auxiliary timelines) from other auxiliary timelines,

triggered auxiliary timelines from WATCHOUT Remote,

triggered auxiliary timelines from MIDI Show Control,

triggered auxiliary timelines from switch closures (via MIDI Note interface),

even triggered them from Telnet sessions -

all with great success.


But I have never used the task window to trigger auxiliary timelines beyond simple prototyping.

Quite honestly, I find the added / unnecessary complexity

of the full production and editing environment during performance a bit risky.

Relying on playback methods that result in 'playback only mode' for watchpoint have been bulletproof.



watchmaker = WATCHOUT Production

watchpoint = WATCHOUT Display

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So by logoff I simply mean CTRL-L - Offline/Online.  I've restarted both watchmaker/point and servers/production PC.  Since installing v5 we've not had to use WO very much (and not in this way), but in v4 we used this method of control for non-linear layered playback very successfully.  It allows us to set-up many animations and provides us with almost limitless combinations to play on the fly so it's an invaluable tool.  The strange thing now is why it has stopped working?


Thanks again,


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While your method of control for non-linear layered playback to achieve almost limitless combinations to play 

should work as you expect, the same can still be accomplished without watchmaker.


As issues triggering auxiliary timelines from watchmaker has not been one we have heard about before,

a careful examination of your show file may provide some clues. The fact that

watchmaker's task window seems to stop working and is then restored by an offline / online cycle

is just as confusing, as the task window should run the same whether you are offline or online.

Hard to see how cycling the watchpoint connection would change that.

Almost sounds like watchmaker is overloaded.

Have you tried the same with the Preview window closed, to remove that rendering load from watchmaker?

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The preview window...exactly my thoughts, I've tried that since in wireframe but still the same results.


It really is confusing as the task timelines simply hold a video on the timeline for 10 seconds with a pause in the centre, an opacity fade in and out, a layer blend, and free-running loop.  Hardly complex processing - and small wmv files too.  I think the next option is reinstall watchmaker and keep my fingers crossed...


I'll update if I find a reason...


Happy New Year....nearly...

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