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Video extender HDMI/cat6


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good morning! when I connect my NEC projectors PX750U my deliverer video signal via HDMI extender Cat6 and put online the only watchout watchout logo but not the IP me appears, you can use HDMI / Cat6 Extender? any particular model? equal to connect laptops to my switcher HDMI krammer and direct it perfectly captures video but extended use NO, thank you very much for your attention.

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The display of the IP address in watchpoint's logo screen is completely unrelated to the display connection.

The issue is with either the network connection or the setup of the NIC.

Troubleshoot your network, not your dislays.

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thanks but can I use video extender HDMI/cat 6 witch my watchout?? or only DVI/cat6???


This is a general AV connection, nothing unique to WATCHOUT.

Extenders must be up to the task, determined by your

distance, output resolution & refresh rate,

computer output connector and display input connector.

It can be important to find extenders that are self powered

and reliably pass the EDID signal from the display.

Extenders with integrated EDID management are even better.


Either HDMI or DVI should be possible. DVI is preferable for its locking connections.


I believe if you search this forum you will find a few conversations on the topic.

Entered into the Forum search bar 

' display signal extender ' returned 3 results

' hdmi extender ' returned 11 results

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