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Surface Pro 3 for production?


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is anyone using a Microsoft Surface Pro 3 as a production-computer successfully and would recommend it? Or is that a really bad idea? I am thinking of getting one for use with Watchout 5.x/6 and Ventuz (not at the same time:-) eventually... I see that screen-estate is tiny and would hook up one or more extra displays, if needed.

Best regards,


Uwe Wiesemann

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Hi Uwe, I had owned a Surface 3 for about a week, but returned it because the small screen size. It was working well with WO, but difficult to navigate the tools and timeline. It's still primarily a touchscreen interface, which is great for apps and more challenging for full programs. I still prefer 17" laptops as production computers as they travel well and have the most flexibility in my opinion. I purchased my Surface 3 at a Microsoft store and they Had no issues with me trying the computer and returning it. That might be a way for you to give it a try without full commitment.


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