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Learning WATCHOUT without a license?


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Forgive me for the newbie question... 


Without a license file it looks like I can use all functions of the application except outputting to an external display, correct?


Is there some kind of virtual display or way to view the output on my computer monitor without a license file for learning purposes?


Thanks, can't wait to dive in to Watchout.

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Forgive me for the newbie question... 


1. Without a license file it looks like I can use all functions of the application except outputting to an external display, correct?


2. Is there some kind of virtual display or way to view the output on my computer monitor without a license file for learning purposes?


Thanks, can't wait to dive in to Watchout.


1. Essentially correct.

The media production tools in WATCHOUT Production software (aka watchmaker)

are fully functional without a license. You may open existing shows, create new shows, save shows, etc.

All media animation functions are fully functional. 

The license key activates three functions in watchmaker.

  • Network communication to WATCHOUT Display (aka watchpoint) for transfer of the show to the display computers, as you note.
  • Export of a synopsis movie of your work (File - Export Movie) is disabled without a license
  • Output objects for ancillary device communication (DMX/Artnet, String, Generic / Window - Output) are disabled 

 Input objects will work without a license (Generic, MIDI controller, MIDI Note, DMX/ArtNet / Window - Input)


2. WATCHOUT Production software includes a full rendered Preview of all outputs as one of its standard functions.


In summary, yes, the WATCHOUT Production software is very functional standalone for all media functions

and it is well worthwhile to learn it without a license.

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