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WO6, Tasks, and Opacity


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I am triggering tasks or alternative timelines via midi notes, and all is working as expected except:

I have 1 timeline that has content at 15% opacity when the timeline above it is fired.

The timeline with low opacity jumps to full (no accidental keyframes) when the above timeline is activated.

I tried copying the look of the lower timeline into the beginning of the above timeline with no success.

Does anyone have any ideas about it?


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I've also experienced problems before with blend modes in compositions in WO5 (layers disappearing suddenly when the composition containing them fades out) but I assumed it was because I was exceeding the playback capacity of the Display machines (either the CPU or GPU not keeping up). Is there some kind of limit to use of blend modes in Watchout itself that would cause the opacity hiccups?

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Here is a link to a consolidated small show demonstrating the problem. Execute Task 050 and let establish.

Then execute task 051 while watching the 3D model.

I solved the issue by placing a black solid at full under the media in 050, but removed it for demonstration purposes.






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