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Watchpax without DHCP


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Please look in the pinned post above: 



Also mentioned in the WATCHPAX Product sheet/Manual at page 3/4: 



From the autostart.txt file in WATCHPAX:


; These are some examples on how to set a fixed IP number on the WATCHOUT computer.
; You only need to run this script once. After that the WATCHOUT computer remember the
; last set fixed IP number. The fixed IP numbers is shown in the start-up screen under
; the WATCHOUT 5 logo. The IP number inside the parentheses is the DHCP/link-local IP number.
; Remember that you always need to authenticate to level 2 before you try to set the IP number.
; Example: Set the fixed IP number to
; authenticate 2
; setIP
; Example: Set the fixed IP number to with the network mask
: authenticate 2
; setIP
; Example: Remove the fixed IP number and restore the WATCHOUT computer to use the DHCP/link-local IP number.
; authenticate 2
; setIP
Edited by Jonas Dannert
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Please refer to http://forum.dataton.com/topic/1127-watchpax-autostarttxt-script/


The autostart.txt file already exists in Watchpax. Access is from the Production PC > select Watchpax Display 1 or 2 in Stage Window > Ctrl+Shift+A to remote access into Watchpax to edit the file (removing the ; in a line effectively enables the line).


OR va menu:

Stage > Manage Display Computer > Remote Access (note: Stage Display must be highlighted/selected for Remote Access availability)

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Fixed IP can be set using a startup script. Use the Remote Access function on the Stage menu to connect to the WATCHPAX. Choose "Edit Startup Scrtipt" on the File menu of he display computer. The script file contains an example of how to set fixed IP (look for the "setIP" command). Just un-comment that example and enter the desired numbers,



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