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Hap Q codec problems with color of the video

Jordi Pont

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I'm having problems with HapQ codec, uploading it to a texture of a 3D object on a .3ds, i get a kind of solarize-green effect with the HapQ Codec.

Do you know what's the problem?


With animation codec i don't have that problem.



Thanks in advance.


Jordi Pont


Audiovisual experiences

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I noticed the same problem today on WO 6.1.4. Going into the media item's settings dialog and flipping the alpha channel mode back and forth a couple of times seemed to fix it. On one occasion I also had to re-drop the media onto the cue. Go figure. There definitely seems to be something that's amiss related to HapQ interpretation.



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Mike, when you saw the issue, I assume it was in 6.1.4 as mentioned in the previous post, correct? Was the media presplit? Was there anything else out of the ordinary? Was there a preview file attached to the HapQ movie? There has been some problems with presplit and/or media containing a preview, when the video format is HapQ. These issues have hopefully been fixed and will be in the next release of Watchout. 

If you saw the issue when trying to play a HapQ movie without presplit and/or preview, please let me know. 




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> Mike, when you saw the issue, I assume it was in 6.1.4 as mentioned in the previous post, correct?




> Was the media presplit?




> Was there anything else out of the ordinary?




> Was there a preview file attached to the HapQ movie?





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