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Extract Watchout time data


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I'm looking for a way to extract the timing information from the Watchout network. I'd like to just be able to get the current time of the main timeline. Is there any protocol information to get me on the right path or is it a closely guarded secret.


I appreciate that there are a few other ways to acheive this (LTC, Midi trigger, etc) but I'd like to do it over network if possible.



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I'm looking for a way to extract the timing information from the Watchout network. I'd like to just be able to get the current time of the main timeline. Is there any protocol information to get me on the right path or is it a closely guarded secret....


Not at all a secret. It is in the User Guide.


When a show is loaded (and your IP session is authenticated),

the getStatus command returns as one of its response parameters

 [] Current time position, in milliseconds (only included if show is active)

The simple getStatus command returns Main Timeline position.

(If you want auxiliary timeline position, see Getting auxiliary timeline State )




Get the current status of the WATCHOUT cluster master.


Responds with a Reply

Reply “WO2Launch” false 0 true true false 122 true


Reply Parameter Description


Name of the show. Empty string if no show loaded.

Busy. True if the master display computer or any of its slaves is busy

General health status of the cluster; 0: OK, 1: Suboptimal, 2: Problems, 3: Dead.

Display is open (in its full screen mode).

Show is active (ready to run).

Programmer is on line.

[] Current time position, in milliseconds (only included if show is active).

[] Show is playing – false if paused (only included if show is active).

[] Timeline rate (nominally 1, only included if show is active).

[] Standby mode (true if in standby, only included if show is active)

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