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launching WO show by I/O from IOCORE2


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Hey. Help me figure out how to write commands in IOCORE2.

One command is sent and the WO server accepts and tests them.

And if I create a list of commands and send them together, I get an error.

Help me understand how to write commands in IOCORE2.









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what is your intention to control specificly?

I use the IOcore for starting WO timelines with switches (contact closures). 

In WO i handle all housekeeping with jump-to, abort, play, pause, etc

in WO I make DMX inputs. 
in the IOcore i create a module GPIO>>Artnet. 
(You must set the correct universe addresses)

Send me a dm so i can help you. 


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I don't think IOCORE interprets $0D as carriage return, but sends it as plain text, which is then not understood by WO. Check the documentation of IOCORE to see how to send control characters. You may also simply try removing the trailing $0D after each command. As you send them with UDP, WO may accept them without explicit line ending (since UDP sends an individual packet for each command anyway).


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11 hours ago, HugoJ said:


what is your intention to control specificly?

I use the IOcore for starting WO timelines with switches (contact closures). 

In WO i handle all housekeeping with jump-to, abort, play, pause, etc

in WO I make DMX inputs. 
in the IOcore i create a module GPIO>>Artnet. 
(You must set the correct universe addresses)

Send me a dm so i can help you. 



I just need to run contact closure timelines on IOcore.

I tried to do this by sending commands over UDP.

But it feels like he sends all commands at once without delay between commands. So I am getting the error.

I will be in the office on Tuesday and try your recommendation for control via DMX inputs.

Another question is, in this way, you can make it so that after starting the timeline, its value goes to the zero position so that the timeline can be restarted by pressing the same button?

If it doesn't work, I'll send you a show by mail.

Thank you


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8 hours ago, Mike Fahl said:

I don't think IOCORE interprets $0D as carriage return, but sends it as plain text, which is then not understood by WO. Check the documentation of IOCORE to see how to send control characters. You may also simply try removing the trailing $0D after each command. As you send them with UDP, WO may accept them without explicit line ending (since UDP sends an individual packet for each command anyway).


Hello. I tried different options ($ 0D, 0D, 0A).

It feels like he will send all the commands at once without a delay between them.

And without going to a new line.

There is no information on this in the manual on IOCORE. (https://www.visualproductions.nl/category-architectural/iocore/#)


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  • Dataton Partner

What hits my eye here straight away is:         $D0    instead of    $0D


I'm not sure whether you actually need to send the CR at the end (it's been a while since I played with those devices) but it should definitely work.

You should also use some wait commands to slightly slow down the data sent to WATCHOUT since WATCHOUT usually creates an acknowledge string after receiving a command. If you don't find a wait command in the IOCORE software you might first try to send "authenticate 1" from one input and then a command like     "setInput Test 1"       from a second input.

You only need to send the authenticate command when you establish a network connection to the WATCHOUT cluster, not with every command as long as the connection stays open.

If I understand it corractly, you also look for a way to reset the generic value internally in WATCHOUT. Unfortunately this can't be done without actually sending the command again - from somewhere!

You could try to send strings from within WATCHOUT to the same generic input after starting the timeline and using a cue sending "setInput Test 0".

You would need to use an output set to the IP of the cluster master or and send    "authenticate 1" at some point before sending the command.

It is possible to connect more than one client through authenticate 1 at a time.


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The "authenticate" command isn't needed on the UDP port as far as I can recall. From the IOCORE manual, it definitely doesn't seem tp support appengin $0D as a "carruage return". You may want to send the command without any carriage return when using UDP. If that doesn't work, the only way by which you can send CR as far as I can tell from the manual is to send the entire command as HEX. Another option is yo send the command as TCP instead of UDP. Here you need to use the authenticate command. But in this case, you can mix sending commands as text and the CR as hex (here just 0D).



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On 10/24/2020 at 10:41 PM, BMC said:


I just need to run contact closure timelines on IOcore.

I tried to do this by sending commands over UDP.

But it feels like he sends all commands at once without delay between commands. So I am getting the error.

I will be in the office on Tuesday and try your recommendation for control via DMX inputs.

Another question is, in this way, you can make it so that after starting the timeline, its value goes to the zero position so that the timeline can be restarted by pressing the same button?

If it doesn't work, I'll send you a show by mail.

Thank you


Hello. It turned out to set up control through Artnet dmx. I created the GPI >> DMX module since I do not have GPIO >> Artnet in the IOcore settings (GPI >> Artnet). Thanks )




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On 10/25/2020 at 9:33 PM, Mike Fahl said:

The "authenticate" command isn't needed on the UDP port as far as I can recall. From the IOCORE manual, it definitely doesn't seem tp support appengin $0D as a "carruage return". You may want to send the command without any carriage return when using UDP. If that doesn't work, the only way by which you can send CR as far as I can tell from the manual is to send the entire command as HEX. Another option is yo send the command as TCP instead of UDP. Here you need to use the authenticate command. But in this case, you can mix sending commands as text and the CR as hex (here just 0D).



Hello. Indeed, UDP does not need the "authenticate" command! Unfortunately IOCore cannot send commands over TCP (only receive). The backbone return does not work in HEX. And sending the whole message in HEX doesn't work either. I also noticed one strange thing, for some reason, when sending a command, it sends each line twice (this can be seen in the command monitor in IOCore)! So so far we have not been able to set up normal UDP work. On the advice above, so far I have configured it via Artnet and DMX. I will try to figure it out with UDP, if you have any more ideas, please let me know. Thanks


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