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Images on video wall sometimes arrive at different times on screens


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Hi all, i'm relatively new to this and am running a video wall at F1 Paddock Club races, we have an 8 screen video wall which looks ok. At the moment sometimes when we push an image to the wall it can take a split second for all screens to show the image. This is an issue which has been flagged up in the past, im sure there is a simple solution.



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31 minutes ago, jfk said:

Could you please clarify what you mean by "when we push an image to the wall" ?

I mean, when I run the show and put images from the production laptop to the video wall (8 screens) sometimes the image would not appear at exactly the same time on all 8 screens. There may be a delay on 3 of them etc. 

Hope that explains it, I appreciate your time on this.


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Are you referring to the transfer of new media assets while Online with Live Update active? 

That is NOT intended to provide seamless live show function, live update simply relieves you of the task of hitting Stage-Update after you make changes, it is still an update. Automatic update would be a more accurate description. Update transfers disrupt normal show playback. With live update off, you control when that disruption occurs (and that is the only way WATCHOUT worked for its first 15 years) .  All content must be present on the display server before you can expect a cue to run properly with that media.

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OK. when you are finished editing, and simply playing back a show, I would recommend you turn Live Update Off.

So are you sitting on a Control Pause, then tapping the space bar to run a cue? That results in the images not appearing as programmed?

File type and resolution of the files in question?

Would like to look at the timeline programming to see if there are any simple corrections that may clear that up.

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Thanks for the reply.

They are jpegs, 3840x2160, yes sitting on a control cue, space bar running a cue and going through images, sometimes images can take a split second to arrive on a few of the screens. I don't think it's a control question issue as it happens on some images. 


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Well some images can take longer to load. A few optimizations worth trying.

In the Media list, open the media dialog for the jpegs in question and


set Transparency to None and confirm Optimize for better performance.

If none of that helps, try offsetting the image cues from the pause cue about 0.05 to 0.1 second. A lot of activity occurs when transitioning from 'run to pause'  and from 'pause to run', allowing a little time for that to complete before the media change can sometimes clean that up.

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