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file based control - spaces in show name

JJ Myers

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It looks like spaces in show file names no longer work when trying to launch from script (file-based control). I swear it used to once upon a time. Is there an escape sequence one can use in the script to force a space character (ASCI 32, I believe)? Or does file-based control require a file name without spaces? Sorry if there is already a topic on this - I couldn't find one.

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What WATCHOUT version?

There should be no limitation on spaces in the show file name argument for the load command providing the show name is delimited with straight double quotes. If it is the last command in the script file, be sure to add a carriage return at the end of the command. Also, do not forget the show file name argument is case sensitive  i.e.

load "Test Show Name"
; comment line to force the carriage return on the previous line

I really, really, really hate that this forum NOW forces all carriage returns to double space!

All my old posts prior to the change are messed up as a result.

Now I have to use little tricks to overcome that when posting script examples


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27 minutes ago, JJ Myers said:

... Is there an escape sequence one can use in the script to force a space character (ASCI 32, I believe)? ...

Not that you should need to use it in this case. But some reserved characters do require a special escape sequence if you need to use them for other purposes. The double quotes would be a good example. If you need to use double quotes in an argument string, precede them by a backslash. (this is encountered when using the IP command to determine an auxiliary timeline state).

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