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Problem with green key


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22 hours ago, wiesemann said:

does it key perfeclty in other software packages?  Some people turn on or leave on the artificial sharpening in cameras. Which makes good keying really hard. 

I tried with ATEM Television Studio (no problem) and with Adobe Premiere (no problem). Using other software, I can set mask expansion and mask blend just to eliminate imperfection along the edges. Is it possible to do the same think with WO?

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no, the greenscreen keyer in WO (at least up to the version I am looking at right now, 6.2.2) has two parameters. Slectove Keyer doesnt even have a color picker - or maybe I just didnt find it.

Why not look at the camera settings and get rid of that „ringing“ before sending into WO? Or try putting another system in between that does a more advamced keying and sends an NDI signal, with alpha channel and audio to WO. Like OBS „dedicated NDI Output“.

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FYI If an external keyer is an option, many external keying solutions send two SDI signals (one is the video and one is the key). This is supported in WATCHOUT using two SDI inputs and the “masked by layer above” function.

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