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24 Hour Programming


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Hello All, 

Appologies if this topic has already been discussed. I did a forum search and did not find any useful results. 

I am attempting to program an installation that runs a series of time based triggers and media files. Is there a way to program control cues to fire at a specific time of day?


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  • Dataton Partner

Well, we have done this years ago with WATCHOUT 4 when the promised show control system never arrived in time. We had to power up 60 players in the morning and put them to sleep in the evening.

Our work-around was to use a looping auxiliary timeline with a length of 23:59:59. The timeline was aligned to the current real time when started.

Of course, the accuracy is not good enough if you need to start things at a certain second of the day but if it is not that critical it can work.


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