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Nine times out of ten this means that the display server has crashed. Most times, the display computer watchdog software component has cleared the malfunction and returned to the logo screen, ready to try again. If you are online, an update from production will bring it back. 

The place to look for more information is the display computer logs (in a folder called logs in the installed WATCHOUT location). Most often the watchdog log provides clues as to the cause. Occasionally the watchpoint log helps.

The decoder for mpeg2 / mpeg4 / h.264 is often the culprit. If the multitude of encoding parameters are not tweaked correctly for these codecs, instability will result.

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  • Dataton Partner

The log files do not really help much here to find the cause. If it affects just one of three servers it could also be driver or hardware related.

The good thing is that the crash created a dunp file which you can find in the dump folder next to your logs folder.

I'd suggest to open a support case with some more details here: https://dataton.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/35/group/35/create/43

And send the dump file to the support team. They have tools to analyze the dump file.

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Thank you very much for your help when it tells me that the problem is the following, how can I solve it? recode all files used, must be an .avi codec h264?? or reinstall the watchout software??

" The decoder for mpeg2 / mpeg4 / h.264 is often the culprit. If the multitude of encoding parameters are not tweaked correctly for these codecs, instability will result. "


thank you so much for your help



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14 hours ago, jfk said:

Nueve de cada diez veces esto significa que el servidor de visualización se ha bloqueado. La mayoría de las veces, el componente de software de vigilancia de la computadora de la pantalla solucionó el mal funcionamiento y volvió a la pantalla del logotipo, listo para volver a intentarlo. Si está en línea, una actualización de producción lo traerá de vuelta. 

El lugar para buscar más información es la pantalla de registros de la computadora (en una carpeta llamada registros en la ubicación de WATCHOUT instalada). La mayoría de las veces, el registro de vigilancia proporciona pistas sobre la causa. Ocasionalmente, el registro del punto de observación ayuda.

El decodificador de mpeg2 / mpeg4 / h.264 suele ser el culpable. Si la multitud de parámetros de codificación no se ajustan correctamente para estos códecs, se producirá inestabilidad.

Thank you very much for your help when it tells me that the problem is the following, how can I solve it? recode all files used, must be an .avi codec h264?? or reinstall the watchout software??

" The decoder for mpeg2 / mpeg4 / h.264 is often the culprit. If the multitude of encoding parameters are not tweaked correctly for these codecs, instability will result. "


thank you so much for your help


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  • Dataton Partner

What hits my eye here is that you say that it is only one out of three servers showing this behavior. While encoding can still be an issue, maybe you're trying to run more videos on this server at the same time than on the others, I would probably still look deeper into the specific server, especially when WATCHPOINT creates a dump file.

There are other log files in your computer which may give you a hint.

Start the event viewer and check your application and system logs.

Another attempt would be to strip down your show to just a few content files and test those for a while. Then add complexity step by step until you can reproduce the error.

Bildschirmfoto 2022-08-11 um 08.17.15.png

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  • Dataton Partner
4 hours ago, jhondaza said:

Thank you very much for your help when it tells me that the problem is the following, how can I solve it? recode all files used, must be an .avi codec h264?? or reinstall the watchout software??

" The decoder for mpeg2 / mpeg4 / h.264 is often the culprit. If the multitude of encoding parameters are not tweaked correctly for these codecs, instability will result. "


thank you so much for your help


BTW, you can find more information on encoding in a few articles here:


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19 hours ago, jfk said:

reinstalling watchout software is a waste of time.

If you re-encode the movies, i strongly recommend you  encode with the HAP cosec.

thank you very much for your help, but it definitely supposes that it may be the encoding of the video files that is being given play???

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