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openClipboard Failed


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I have been getting an error message on a new DELL laptop that I use for production CPU. As soon as I do CTRL+C I get the following message.


FAiled to get data from the clipboard (error -2147221940) openClipboard Failed)...


I have been looking in the forum but now topics on this yet...


Any ideas !



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Ok so if I'm running a single show, would it be a RAM memory issue ? I just ran some tests after restarting to make sure that only one show was open end and it still is doing it. Maybe it as to do with another program messing with WO.


I will keep checking ! Is there a list of the error codes that would help me narrow it down ?

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I read this post and the very next day I started getting the same messages. I am still on 5.2. and have only seen it in 64 bit environments. I have seen it in a number of my show set ups so it is not restricted to a particular show file. It hasn't caused me any problems but I am left wondering what it is actually trying to tell me. I haven't changed my system set up for over 6 months so quite sure I haven't caused this through a driver/update etc.

 I will report back if I find a reason/solution.

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