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Choose NIC for Watchout 7


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I need to use 2 different NICs with WO7 for a project, one 10G for Watchout and one 1G for DANTE. With WO6 we did changing the metric of the NIC giving the lowest to the 10G, but how can do it with WO7? It always take the 1G NIC.

Best regards,


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On 6/12/2024 at 5:19 AM, jfk said:

I do not know the answer to your question. But, could it be as simple as assigning the IP address you wish to use for WATCHOUT to network 2?



I know Jim, but the problem is when you have a 10G NIC you want to use for Watchout the 1G one for DANTE. How can I be sure which NIC is using WO?


On 6/13/2024 at 11:07 PM, Walter said:

As far as my experience goes, Watchout 7 now listen and talks to any NIC available. If you have multiple nics active on your display machine and reset services, it shows all IP’s on which the runner is listening to. 

I personally don’t see a problem in this. I’m happy WO7 seems to be network agnostic. Just cheer and be happy. 

Walter, yes, you can see all the WO nodes in the network, but if aren't in the same range you can't communicate with the nodes.



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  • Dataton Partner
3 hours ago, Quim said:


Walter, yes, you can see all the WO nodes in the network, but if aren't in the same range you can't communicate with the nodes.



Well, yes, at least ONE of your NIC's should match a range where the nodes reside. But since you see them (and there address / range) it's easy enough to join the same range. I was referring to the fact you don't need a specific, or just one, NIC in your system. And if more NIC's are active and connected, you can choose which one you want to connect to.   
Regarding your other question = you choose in the producer which NIC on the display node you want to use for Dante. If more NIC's are available to choose from, you can select the one you want to use from the Adapter list.



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Doing more tests with WO7 and different NICs. If I have my WO Display connected only to the network through the 10G NIC, in the Devices window of my WO Producer shows the IP address of the 10G NIC (, and when I connect the 1G NIC then it shows the IP address of this last NIC ( and I can't connect with that node through the 10G NIC. So it's very important to be able to choose which NIC you want to use with WO.

DANTE is very sensitive to network traffic and is recommended ("mandatory") to use a separate network. In a big installation where we had a big DANTE system and WATCHOUT, when we where loading new contents to the WO Displays all the DANTE system felt down until we setup separate physical networks.


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Walter, yes when I'm in a system with DANTE I use producer as DANTE CONTROLLER and then, sometimes Producer uses 1G NIC (the one I want to use as DANTE) and sometimes uses the 10G I want to use as WO network. So would be important to decide with NIC to use as Producer same way we decide which one to use as DANTE.


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  • Dataton Partner
23 hours ago, Quim said:

Walter, yes when I'm in a system with DANTE I use producer as DANTE CONTROLLER and then, sometimes Producer uses 1G NIC (the one I want to use as DANTE) and sometimes uses the 10G I want to use as WO network. So would be important to decide with NIC to use as Producer same way we decide which one to use as DANTE.


I understand... but basically a workaround is just to NOT use Dante Controller anymore after setup, right? Or use a separate machine to do so. (I mean, in the meanwhile, until there is a solution). 

By the way, how are you noticing it is using the 1G network? Is it the IP behind the device in the device list window that tells it off? Or are you noticing the speed of uploads changing?  I'm not sure which IP is exactly showing in the list and why. In my test setup at home, sometimes multiple machines are connected both via the 10G and e.g. WIFI. It shows the WIFI  IP in the devicelist, but the uploads really have a 10G speed...  I wonder if manually adjusting the metric value would help, worth a try.

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7 hours ago, Walter said:

I understand... but basically a workaround is just to NOT use Dante Controller anymore after setup, right? Or use a separate machine to do so. (I mean, in the meanwhile, until there is a solution). 

By the way, how are you noticing it is using the 1G network? Is it the IP behind the device in the device list window that tells it off? Or are you noticing the speed of uploads changing?  I'm not sure which IP is exactly showing in the list and why. In my test setup at home, sometimes multiple machines are connected both via the 10G and e.g. WIFI. It shows the WIFI  IP in the devicelist, but the uploads really have a 10G speed...  I wonder if manually adjusting the metric value would help, worth a try.

I Walter,

For example, for the tests of the project where we are going to have a Producer/Asset Manager connected to Internet using NIC 1G and the Watchout system through NIC 10G. When I only have connected the 10G NIC in the Producer I can manage the Displays, but as soon as I connect the 1G NIC then, despite I keep seeing the other WO devices in the Devices Window, I can't connect to them, so the Producer is using the 1G NIC.

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  • Dataton Partner
17 hours ago, Quim said:

I Walter,

For example, for the tests of the project where we are going to have a Producer/Asset Manager connected to Internet using NIC 1G and the Watchout system through NIC 10G. When I only have connected the 10G NIC in the Producer I can manage the Displays, but as soon as I connect the 1G NIC then, despite I keep seeing the other WO devices in the Devices Window, I can't connect to them, so the Producer is using the 1G NIC.

That is SOOOO not my experience. I can have WiFi on, a second Nic connected to whatever and my primary 10G adapter, and connection to watchout is flawless on the 10G network. E.g. I’ve had support sessions with Dataton where they’d connect through the second NIC that had internet whilst the regular 10G network was doing its thing.
 I almost feel something else is happening there. I think it’s time for a support ticket… 

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