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Unable to play .swf files in Dynamic Image Server


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We're working on a school project and we are unable to get the .swf files to play on the Dynamic Images Server itself.


We can play local .swf plays like a clock or a game, but whenever we try to load a rss/twitter/instagram feed it does not load stuff from the internet.


We gave the flash images the permissions  as described here:



Thanks for reading!



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Re the Twitter example, due to recent changes in Twitter’s API, this no longer works. Since the new API (from version 1.1) requires authentication for all actions, it is not possible to make a dynamic image that works for all users without individual adaptation.


The Instagram example should work fine, though: http://academy.dataton.com/recipe/instagram-images


Best regards,

Fredrik Svahnberg


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Re the Twitter example, due to recent changes in Twitter’s API, this no longer works. Since the new API (from version 1.1) requires authentication for all actions, it is not possible to make a dynamic image that works for all users without individual adaptation.


The Instagram example should work fine, though: http://academy.dataton.com/recipe/instagram-images


Best regards,

Fredrik Svahnberg


We've indeed tried using a custom Twitter feed swf, and it works perfectly local, although it's not loading through the Dynamic Image Server.


Same goes for the Instagram feed, it is not loading any swf files that require internet connection.

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Sorry to let this drop...got into a show and it was busy.


The SWF is working great via the DIS now. I believe it was something with the machine operating the DIS. We moved to a different machine and that part has since been working flawlessly. There also may have been an issue with some fields in the SWF file (accessing a json file) which caused it to fail. As I suspected, it was ultimately a Flash dev issue, not DIS.




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Hello again!


Can you load anything via the Dynamic Image Server? A simple jpeg-image, for example?


Best regards,

Fredrik S

We're able to run normal images, aswell as swf's that do not require a network connection. It's just for the flash files that do require an internet connection as for example the Instagram.


Locally opening the flash works fine and loads perfectly, but when it loads via the DIS it does not show anything.

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We're able to run normal images, aswell as swf's that do not require a network connection. It's just for the flash files that do require an internet connection as for example the Instagram.


So what happens? Do they show up at all? I.e. do you see anything rendered from the SWF, such as static items, background color, etc. Is it only the pieces that originate fmor the internret that are amiss? If so, it sounds like its a sandboxing issue. See the description of this topic in the academy docs.


Locally opening the flash works fine and loads perfectly, but when it loads via the DIS it does not show anything.


How do you "load it locally"? E.g., drag it into a browser?



Hi Folks .... in a similar boat here as we are looking to work around twitters API rules to be able to bring in a working SWF file accessing twitter feed.


That sounds like a different issue than the one discussed here. The Twitter API has changed, requiring authentication and using a different format to access the data. You need to make "developer arrangements" with Twitter to get the proper credentials to make this work.



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  • 2 months later...

I wanted to share my experience with the new flash API issue, as I was able to get it to work at an event last night.  It was however not with a little editing of the .swf provided in the cook book and use of a link.  


I found an interesting bit of information here - http://www.labnol.org/internet/twitter-rss-feed/28149/ 


Following the instructions here, I was able to convert a Twitter Widget to my own RSS feed.  I then edited the Twitter.fla script:1 actions to this


import flash.utils.Timer;
import flash.events.TimerEvent;
import flash.net.URLVariables;
import flash.events.IOErrorEvent;

//var qParam : String;		// Twitter tag to load, specified by "tag" parameter, if any
var refreshTimer : Timer = new Timer(10000); // Poll server at this interval
var isTag : Boolean = this.loaderInfo.parameters.hasOwnProperty("tag");

/*	Provide either a user or tag parameter to determine whether to
	display a twiotter feed related to a particular @user or #tag.
	Do not include the @ or # in the user&/tag parameter string.
//if (this.loaderInfo.parameters.hasOwnProperty("from"))	// Originating user name 
//	qParam = 'from:'+ this.loaderInfo.parameters['from'];
//else if (isTag) // Hash tag case
//	qParam = '#'+ this.loaderInfo.parameters["tag"];
//	qParam = '#apple';	// Use this default tag if none specified

// Load feed for tag
var rssLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
var url : String = "https://script.google.com/macros/s/AKfycbzMuIJZq4Fh0fvOEPhZOqfdvlUEXPwCXEHu2GS79wZvgrNVSN2J/exec";//+ 
//	encodeURIComponent(qParam);
if (isTag)	// Get only english results with that tag
	url += "%20lang%3Aen";
var rssURL:URLRequest = new URLRequest(url);
rssLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, rssLoaded);
rssLoader.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, rssFailed);

// RSS feed data received - present it
function rssLoaded(evt:Event):void {
	var s = evt.target.data;
	var rssXML : XML = XML(s);
	var itemCount : uint = rssXML.channel.item.length();
	var html : String = "";
	for (var i : uint = 0; i < itemCount; ++i)
		html += rssXML.channel.item[i].description + '<br/><br/>';
	iFeedText.taLog.htmlText = html;

// RSS load failed - restart the timer so I'll retry again shortly
function rssFailed(evt:IOErrorEvent):void {

function reload(evt : TimerEvent) : void {

refreshTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, reload);
rssLoader.load(rssURL);	// Perform first load

Once I did this, I was able to follow the cookbook instructions to complete the rest, however, no parameters are entered because they are contained in the swf once created.  


I hope someone finds this useful.



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  • 11 months later...



We're working on a school project and we are unable to get the .swf files to play on the Dynamic Images Server itself.


We can play local .swf plays like a clock or a game, but whenever we try to load a rss/twitter/instagram feed it does not load stuff from the internet.


We gave the flash images the permissions  as described here:



Thanks for reading!



Maybe you can try some swf converters, I have used firecoresoft swf converter for mac, it can play swf files. You can google "firecoresoft swf converter".

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