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Operating system error watchout 5.3.1


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Hi all,


I am doing a show with two outputs.


Two days ago I had an crash with one of the display computers so we bought a new one. We bought a acer desktop with a nvidia graphics card. But it has windows 8.1. The other (still working fine) display machine and the producer are running on windows 7. If I try to go online, with the new acer in line the following message appears:


Operating system error: -2147220890; DirectShow media error


And then it stops uploading the media as soon as it has to go through the first movie in the media list from the producer to the display machine.


It has connection through the network, when I test connection it shows the green 'ok' we all love!


Please help!



Acer aspire tc-605


i5 processor 3.1 ghz


6 gb ram ddr3


Nvidia GeForce gt620 1 gb memory



Lennert from the Netherlands

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ugh, 5.3.1.

Assuming you have performed the proper prep Jonas suggests.

Something else to try.

Open the WATCHOUT installer.

Select Repair and Run Repair.

When the repair completes, let it sit on the finish screen a couple of minutes.

Then click finish and try watchpoint again.

We did not typically see Win 7 OS errors when the original 5.3.1 installation did not complete,

but we did see similar errors in both watchmaker and watchpoint,

refusing to recognize movie formats that it normally would.

Repair with extra completion time would correct that,

possibly this is something similar with a Win 8 twist?

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  • 1 year later...

Hi  jfk, 

I meet same problem "Operating system error: 598; DirectShow Media error:" 

It solve by you suggestion:

"Open the WATCHOUT installer.

Select Repair and Run Repair.

When the repair completes, let it sit on the finish screen a couple of minutes."


Thank you very much.

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Hi  jfk, 

I meet same problem "Operating system error: 598; DirectShow Media error:" 

It solve by you suggestion:

"Open the WATCHOUT installer.

Select Repair and Run Repair.

When the repair completes, let it sit on the finish screen a couple of minutes."


Thank you very much.


Epic thread resurrection.

Very cool, thanks for the report.

Props for using search. thumbsup.gif

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