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Remote shutdown machines

Alex Ramos

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I know I can use production to remote shutdown the display node, but this is not the best option for me.


What other options do I have to shutdown all (77) machines in my network ?


I know I can create a TCP connection  to a certain IP, and send a string "authenticate 1" & vbCrLf & "powerDown" & vbCrLf. (Im using VB)

Is there a way to shutdown all the nodes creating only on TCP to only one IP ?

Can the first node shutdown the rest of the machines ?


PS: I cant find my last post about command string to production and displays.

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I know I can use production to remote shutdown the display node, but this is not the best option for me.


What other options do I have to shutdown all (77) machines in my network ?


I know I can create a TCP connection  to a certain IP, and send a string "authenticate 1" & vbCrLf & "powerDown" & vbCrLf. (Im using VB)

Is there a way to shutdown all the nodes creating only on TCP to only one IP ?

Can the first node shutdown the rest of the machines ?


PS: I cant find my last post about command string to production and displays.


One way would be to create a device in WATCHOUT for every display computer,

use an auxilary timeline in your show that sends the powerDown sequence to each display,

shutting down the cluster master last.

With that prepared auxiliary timeline I would name powerDown,

just send one command to the auxiliary timeline,

run powerDown


Shutting everything down with one command always makes me wonder,

how you will power them back on?

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That is a good idea.

But I'm looking for a way to do all that outside whatchout, if there's no other way, I guess I will just open individual client connections and send the "powerDown" individually.


Start up is done with a magic packet to all machines


What I'm doing at the moment is using a small VB app to send WoL and powerDown strings.

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Try poweroff.exe, can be used to powerdown via network.

You don't need a special program to power off over the network. WATCHOUT already has a command to do so.



Start up is done with a magic packet to all machines


No, the "magic packet" needs to be sent individually, once command per machine, as well. There's no global wake-up command that will turn on all machines.



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Hi Mike,


I don't think I explain myself well.


My system was already working when I first posted, I was just looking to improve it, make it more versatile.

On this project I have close to 100 nodes.


Power off is done by individually sending the powerDown to the display nodes

Power up is done by individually sending magic packet to the display nodes MacAdr


This operations are coded in to a small App.


My gold was to get something similar to: Send a single command to one of the nodes and this one be able to  spread it over the network, same way when using the remote control to run the show, it connect to one of the nodes and tis one will control the others. 

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"You don't need a special program to power off over the network. WATCHOUT already has a command to do so."

But Alex asked for a solution outside of Watchout: "But I'm looking for a way to do all that outside whatchout"

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What I meant was that even using his own control program, he can still use WATCHOUT's powerDown command to shut down the computers. He wouldn't need to install some third party application just or that purpose. In general, it's a good idea to avoid installing/running other programs concurrent with WATCHOUT, in case they affect performance or stability.



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