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Autostart.txt on Watchpax


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How is the autostart.txt file edited on Watchpax?  In this post http://forum.dataton.com/topic/1127-watchpax-autostarttxt-script/?hl=autostart it says that the Edit Startup.txt command is part of the display software and accessed through the Remote Access funciton of Production, but when I try that I get a configuration error.  Is there another method for editing the startup.txt file, or is it a problem with my setup?





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How is the autostart.txt file edited on Watchpax?  In this post http://forum.dataton.com/topic/1127-watchpax-autostarttxt-script/?hl=autostart it says that the Edit Startup.txt command is part of the display software and accessed through the Remote Access funciton of Production,


That is the correct method.


but when I try that I get a configuration error. 


That needs to be fixed.


Is there another method for editing the startup.txt file,


No. The WATCHPAX is locked. (And that is one of its most significant features).


or is it a problem with my setup?


Most likely.


Are you getting an OK using the display dialog Test Connection button?

Are you using a name or an IP address for the display dialog "Computer: entry?




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Using 5.5.1 on the production machine, 2 Watchpax's addressed by names in the display dialog.  Connection is good... I can load shows and run them from both production and from our control system without production.  I'll be back onsite on Thursday morning and can get the exact error message for you.





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