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Just wondering, any chance that dataton can look into updating WATCHOUT support for NDI to version 4.0 or above and include NDI discovery server support?

I run large amount of NDI stream via WATCHOUT and the ability to use discovery server will allow for much more stable source discovery instead of using mDNS (NDI 3.8 or below).





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Guest Angelica Cederin

Hi Peter,

The next version of WATCHOUT (currently running our whole booth at ISE, and to be released soon) contains support for NDI version 4.0.

Best Regards,

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  • 2 weeks later...

HI There, 

I'm unsure if this is this right topic thread.

I'm having an issue with NDI Scan Converter (OSX) sending NDI to Watchout, When I add a NDI Video I can see the list of NDI sources and i select which one I want in my case its desktop. When i add it to the timeline and update my display screens watchout displays the following error message That it is switching between my primary and secondary source although I cant see anything on the offline stage view or on my displays. 

If I open NDI video Monitor on my Mac I can see the Scan Converter. 

I am new to NDI so currently just trying to to get it to work as I may need to use it on a project soon 

If you need any more info please let me know, 

I look forward to hearing from someone soon 



Thomas Legge

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  • Dataton Partner

I've seen something like this before and my solution was to change the colour space.

Otherwise, are you on the same switch or is the signal going through various switches in a network? Have you tried to "catch" the signal on a second computer running the NDI monitor, preferably on the same switch as the WATCHOUT display computer?

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I'm in the process of Updating watchout to the latest version just waiting for the link to be sent to me. At the moment I'm running everything through one switch this consist of  two Display servers, one Production Laptop and my NDI source, I'm currently away from the machines until tomorrow where I plan to look at this further.



Thomas Legge

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