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Production Computer Control by another Production Computer


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I need some help. I have two production computers along with two display computers. One is a primary and the other is a back up.  I run my show on SMTPE. I have a main time line which is triggered by SMTPE . I also have a few task that are used. 1. TOD (top of day). 2. EOD (end of day). and   3 Abort clear. When the show is over and the house is clear I manually hit TOD on my task window so I can reset timeline and routers. I set for top of show. Same goes with end of the day I hit EOD to clear and send everything to black. 


Where I need help is controlling my Back-up computer with out manully hitting the task everytime. I would like to hit the task  on the primary production computer  and have the back up take those triggers with out me manually doing it. I have tried to use string command but fialed. I have string commands for my Black magic univeral Hub and it work very well. Could some one help me set this up. I did try sending commands to the Back-Up like the manual said.

(gotoControlCue: TOD$0A)  (gotoControlCue TOD$0A).


anyone done this before control a production computer with another production computer?



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My back-up production computer is set up the same as the primary production computer . I have one output setup which is  for the Blackmagic 72x72 universal hub router. Using string output with TCP. On the Primary production computer I have two outputs one for the Blackmagic router and the other output for the back-up production computer. Also set up in string comand using TCP.


Will gotoControlCue "TOD"$0D  play the TOD task? or do I need to open TOD task and use the frist cue name to trigger that time line. 



Almost got it right. Needs to be

 gotoControlCue "TOD"$0D

How is your output device setup for the second production computer?

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.... Will gotoControlCue "TOD"$0D play the TOD task?

NO. It will go to a control cue in the main timeline named "TOD" and sit there.

If that control cue does not exist on the main timeline, it will do nothing.

or do I need to open TOD task and use the frist cue name to trigger that time line.

If you want to play an auxiliary timeline named "TOD", you would send

run "TOD"$0D

If you want to jump to a control cue in an auxiliary timeline,

you need to include the optional parameter 'timeline name'.

So to jump to a control cue named "example 1" in an auxiliary timeline named "TOD", you would send

gotoControlCue "Example 1" "TOD"$0D

an then if you wanted it to run from there, you would send a second command,

run "TOD"$0D

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