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WATCHOUT 5.5.1 display computer not loading all proxy media‏


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HI, good day!

I got issue for WATCHOUT 5.5.1 display computers not loading all proxy media files from Watchout control computer automatically
All the computers working well and connecting as well , all the show's name is the same ,  but display computers only load couple few media (all the medial is .m2v)  or none .
It's strange to me because I never have this issue before hopefully I could get some solutions 
There are solutions  I tried :
- Re install WATCHOUT program in WATCHOUT production computer and  display computers (Doesn't work)
-To test by create a new show , I found it transfer well only when I put 9 layers to program 9 displays , but when I use proxy media to program it show me "Operating System Error " 

-Renaming the medias and display computers (doesn't work)

-Deleting hidden files that were in the proxy folder (didn't help) (That were there from a mac computer transfer)


Seems proxy media transfer system has some issue

Do you have suggestions as to how to fix this?
Thanks and regards
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As I answered in support@dataton.com:


I think you're missing the part of P140 in the WATCHOUT 5.2 Users Guide:
This option applies to video media only. Check this if you have pre-split a large
movie, as described on page 42. In this case, the resulting files must be placed
in a folder specified in the File/Folder field. This folder must contain one file
per display intersecting the movie, each file named after its target display.
For example, assume you have a large video called “LargeMovie.mpg” that
intersects two displays named “Display 1” and “Display 2”. You would then
pre-split the video into two files. Name those files “Display 1.mpg” and
“Display 2.mpg” and put them in a folder named “LargeMovie”. Finally,
specify that folder in the File/Folder field of the video proxy.
Always append the proper file extension to the name of either
the video files or the folder containing the pre-split files. 
This is needed to ensure that the correct video playback mechanism is used. 
By default, Windows may not display filename extensions. To show file extensions,
choose “Folder Options” on the Tools menu in Windows Explorer, click the
View tab, and uncheck “Hide extensions for known file types”.
Allows you to choose a scaled down version of a large pre-split video for
preview purposes. If not specified, the thumbnail image will be shown instead
in the Stage window preview.
ie for the Video Proxy to work properly, your pre-splitted video files 1-9, needs to be put into a folder,
and be named EXACTLY as each intended Display.

Best Regards,
Dataton Support/jonas
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What Jonas says above applies only if you're indeed dealing wth a pre-split video. There are other use cases for proxy media, which do not require using a folder of multiple files, but proxying a single media file only, which sounds more like what the OP is talking about.



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