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Watchnet string commands issues


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I'm configuring a Watchnet setup, which is controlling a show, which runs with no problems. The issue is, that when I try to control an aux timeline with a string cue, which normally works fine, Watchnet fails, and send a cluster error message: "Failed delivering data: setInput <string> <value> <"value">$0D; String Output "WATCHNET"" of OutPut list (4 7)

I have no idea what that means. And as mentioned, the show runs fine in the normal setup. Any ideas?


Cheers Christian

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Do you have a String output that attempts to send a setInput command to the cluster itself?  If so, it could be interesting to learn if WATCHOUT responds with some kind of error message to that command string. Unfortunately, WATCHOUT won't by itself report any data that comes back as a result of a string command (it doesn't really "know" it's sending the command to itself, so won't report it in any other way either). Possibly you could snoop the wire using Wireshark. Iit's not really on any "wire", since the command is sent to localhost, but it should nevertheless be possible to snoop using Wireshark running on the same PC, I assume. This may provide some further insight as to WATCHOUT doesn't like this command while under WATCHNET control.

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