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Triangle 3d model adjustment


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i need help with a 3d model of a pyramid shape i'm working on.

i created the model with Cinema 4d.

i made a virtual display's that assigned to each side of the triangle.

the problem is, that wathcout is cutting the side corners of the image, the parts that are outside of the pyramid. i want the image to be warped into the pyramid side, so if i put one image that fills all the virtual display, it will look like a wide image across the pyramid sides.

if anybody can help with it, please reply...




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Hi Guy,

This sound strange. The problem might be in the 3d-file you export from Cinema 4D but it is hard to know without looking at the file.
Could you please send a email concerning this to support@dataton.com and include the 3d-file and if possible an example show that illustrate the problem.
Best regards
Dataton support /jme
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The mapping from the (always rectangular) texture provided by a Virtual Display and the geometry (in your case, the pyramid) is ultimately controlled by the UV mapping in the 3D object. So to make the images map the way you want, update the 3D model accordingly. You can try this out in the 3D program by using a couple of still images representing what will eventually be fed from the Virtual Displays in WATCHOUT. This will allow you to  do the UV mapping and verify that it looks the way you want before bringing the model into WATCHOUT.


You may want to take a look at some of these videos – particularly those about UV Mapping - which show some example using Cinema4D. 




Please feel free to send me your Cinema4D design and some sample images you want mapped (along with something explaining how they should be mapped) and I'll behappy to take a look at your 3D file.

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