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New releases of WATCHOUT and WATCHNET


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I just try to install 6.1, but when I tried to go online it asked for updating Display machines.

When answered with yes it gave a message that my dongles were not found.

After downgrading to 6.0.2 everything worked again.


Any thoughts?


Greetings Arjen


Ignore any error messages that occur when WATCHOUT is updating displays over the network.


It is probably a better idea to not use the network update feature on anything but WATCHPAX.


Preferred method is to individually un-inistall old version of WATCHOUT and Codemeter

using Windows Control Panel - Programs and Features,

and then install new version WATCHOUT (which will also install the current version of Codemeter).

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Hello, I'm working with version 6.1 and I have seen a possible error. When some media files are refreshed and then display is updated, the Watchout producer fails. Not always happen.

With the same hardware in version 6.02 this does not happen.


Best regards

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Hello, I'm working with version 6.1 and I have seen a possible error. When some media files are refreshed and then display is updated, the Watchout producer fails. Not always happen.

With the same hardware in version 6.02 this does not happen.

Best regards

Please send a report to support@dataton.com with a simplified sample that reproduces the error for further investigation.

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Hi jfk,


I have seen more clearly the problem.


When you click Refresh media files, it takes a lot to do (more than two minutes), if you expect that time everything works fine, but if you update the display before, the problem happens.


At this link you can download a test. (refresh "test01 - copy A" with "test01 - copy B" changing the name to "test01")



A greeting.

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I've seen now can be used diferent display resolutions in the same Display computer. Does it means from now the issues had when diferent EDID Displays on the same Display computer won't be a problem any more?



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