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Watchpax 2 not discovered


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Hi all,

I'm new to Watchout, so I might be missing something incredibly simple, but I can't seem to discover a Watchpax 2 attached to my system. I have tried both a direct connection with an Ethernet cable between my production computer and the Watchpax and also using a router. In both cases, the device does not show up in the Network window. Any tips?

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15 hours ago, jfhopgood said:

Hi all,

I'm new to Watchout, so I might be missing something incredibly simple, but I can't seem to discover a Watchpax 2 attached to my system. I have tried both a direct connection with an Ethernet cable between my production computer and the Watchpax and also using a router. In both cases, the device does not show up in the Network window. Any tips?

You must have a valid display connected before powering the WATCHPAX 2 on. Also, connect your network before powering on to avoid any confusion.

Once it is powered on, confirm you see an amber or green network presence LED  illuminated (above the network port to the left of the connector). The network presence LED color indicates network speed.



(A yellow LED may also flash on the top right to indicate network activity).

Next, what is the IP address and WATCHOUT name shown in the startup logo screen?


In the above example photo, the WATCHPAX 2 is running Version 6.2.2, the #3362 is the Dataton Type Number indicating it is a WATCHPAX 2, the 10524 is its serial number, wp2_jfk2.Main is its WATCHOUT_name.cluster_name, is its self assigned IP address and the number 2 indicates it is output 2 (if only one display is connected, the output number will not appear).

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2 hours ago, jfk said:

You must have a valid display connected before powering the WATCHPAX 2 on. Also, connect your network before powering on to avoid any confusion.

Once it is powered on, confirm you see an amber network presence LED  illuminated (above the network port to the left of the connector).



(A yellow LED may also flash on the top right to indicate network activity).

Next, what is the IP address and WATCHOUT name shown in the startup logo screen?

It's alos important the first time you connect a Watchpax to a network to use a  DHCP sever to give him a valid IP address. Than you can setup in the Watchpax a fix IP address if you need it. 

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8 hours ago, Quim said:

It's alos important the first time you connect a Watchpax to a network to use a  DHCP sever to give him a valid IP address. Than you can setup in the Watchpax a fix IP address if you need it. 

A DHCP server is not required. Any Windows device set to DHCP  (including a new WATCHPAX' default setup) on a network with no DHCP server will self assign an address in the 169.254.x.x range with a subnet mask.

With a new WATCHPAX, you will need to set your Production machine NIC to DHCP as well, so the two can communicate.

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  • 11 months later...

I have the same issue with 3 Watchpax 2 which I have inherited from a job. They all have the green network light and flashing amber. I see the Display name and IP address. However the Production computer does not connect.

Watchout version 5.5.2

I have tried direct network connection and via a switch.

I am testing them independently.

A fourth one I had already works perfectly, so I know the production computer and network setup is correct. So I am assuming it is the way the previous user had set them up.

One of the three has the display specification Mismatch error. Something I cannot remedy because I cannot connect to to to upload a new show and delete the old.

I have also plugged in the license key into each Watchpax and powered up, waited for the retart now dialogue.

So my question is there a way to reset them to factory default?


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Since the OS of a WATCHPAX is write protected there are not many things to do to reset it to factory default. It looks as if the previous user has set it to a permanent IP address using the autostart script. You can access this script by connecting a mouse and keyboard to your WATCHPAX 2. Then press Ctrl+W to get access to the menus of WATCHPOINT. In the menu you can find a link to edit the autostart script. Look for all lines without a semicolon (;) at the beginning. These lines are active! All lines with a semicolon are comments only. The third part here is the one you need to set it back to DHCP.

Hope it helps.


; These are some examples on how to set a fixed IP number on the WATCHOUT computer.
; You only need to run this script once. After that the WATCHOUT computer remember the
; last set fixed IP number. The fixed IP numbers is shown in the start-up screen under
; the WATCHOUT 5 logo. The IP number inside the parentheses is the DHCP/link-local IP number.
; Remember that you always need to authenticate to level 2 before you try to set the IP number.
; Example: Set the fixed IP number to
; authenticate 2
; setIP
; Example: Set the fixed IP number to with the network mask
; authenticate 2
; setIP
; Example: Remove the fixed IP number and restore the WATCHOUT computer to use the DHCP/link-local IP number.
; authenticate 2
; setIP



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