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Recommendations for 3d mapping work flow


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So this fall I have a new project coming up and need some advice.

It is a theatre piece, with a lot of video mapping. it has been put up before by another company, and they used Resolume.
I could of course also do this, but would very much like to stay in Watchout, as Resolume has some very clear limitations when it comes to scripted shows.

So the main challenge is 3-4 set pieces that move around on the stage from scene to scene. These are large structures that will need to be mapped on.

So the old-school method would be to leave the geometry correction of the display 1-1, and do everything with corner tweens on the clips to make the content fit the objects.

OR, I could create 3d-models of the sets and map on them using Watchouts 3d mapping features.
I have used the 3d mapping before, but only on one object, and that object stayed put through the production. (it was a house/tent)

So my main question, will it work to move 3d objects around in watchout to make the mapping fit the real world?

CTRL+arrows are fine for moving, but what about rotation? typing in degrees, guessing the value ?

How easy is this, mapping with corner pins is actually pretty fast. Also how precise is this mapping (given the model is accurate).

How easy is it to combine the two? Can I use 3d mapping with OBJ files for some stuff, then use corner pins for others?

What is the best way to calibrate the virtual projector on the stage? would it be a good idea to put out some test objects on different positions on the stage to ensure the calibration is accurate?


Any input on the topic from people with experience would be great.






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Hi Walter, thank you for the reply, and sorry for the missing details.

Both, there is one main frontal projector, doing the moving stage elements.

One hanging projector (projecting on the floor from the roof)

Two edge-blended projectors in the back doing a fixed stage element.

So to break down the question.

1. is 3d Geometry going to work when moved around the stage.

2. how easy is it to combine the "old" mapping technique whit the 3d object technique. Could I have one 3d object for the most complex parts and then just map everything else the old way for instance?



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  • Dataton Partner

Hi Nikolai. So if I understand correctly, you have one front projector to capture several moving elements?

On 6/25/2018 at 3:01 PM, nikolai said:

So the main challenge is 3-4 set pieces that move around on the stage from scene to scene

In that case, using 3D mapping is no option whatsoever, since you'll be aligning one projector for one element, which will impact the position of each element in the picture (you can't align multiple elements with one 3D projector, since you'll be adjusting the virtual position of the projector, not the elements)

So as I see it, only "conventional" corner pin tweaking would be your only option. Apart from that I doubt 3D Geometry would work as you can not tween this. (I suppose you might be able to copy the geometry and live paste during the show? But even if I could I wouldn't be going that route).


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Hi Walter, thanks for getting back to me.

Then I have missunderstood something.

the way I thought it would work was like this:

put any object on stage maybe a 2x2x2 meter cube.

use this to align the projector.

the 3d projector should now have the position angle etc of the real world projector, sitting in 3d space in WO.

now i should be able to both replace the geometry or move it on stage.

the obj file in watchout would need to move using x,y,z and rotation tweens.

calibration is done once and as long as the projector stays put it should not have to change through the show.

have i got this wrong?

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> the obj file in watchout would need to move using x,y,z and rotation tweens.

I guess the tricky part is to have the 3D object in WATCHOUT move exactly as the physical set piece, which would be required for this to work. But if you can accomplish that, it should work.

An alternative may be to use the new tracking feature in WATCHOUT, which as far as I understand does this positioning for you, based on camera tracking data.

Mike – http://pixilab.se

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  • 5 weeks later...

3d mapping the set pieces wouldn’t be terribly complicated, but if they’re moving? That’s a whole mother issue. Then you’re talking about real-time tracking that has to be very accurate or the illusion falls apart. That’s pretty high end, like BlackTrax.


Unless you don’t need to project on the shapes *while* they’re moving, just at two different positions during the show. In which case you’d just need two different setups and make sure your stage hands are really accurate with their placement marks.

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  • 2 years later...
On 7/2/2018 at 4:57 PM, nikolai said:

Hi Walter, thanks for getting back to me.

Then I have missunderstood something.

the way I thought it would work was like this:

put any object on stage maybe a 2x2x2 meter cube.

use this to align the projector.

the 3d projector should now have the position angle etc of the real world projector, sitting in 3d space in WO.

now i should be able to both replace the geometry or move it on stage.

the obj file in watchout would need to move using x,y,z and rotation tweens.

calibration is done once and as long as the projector stays put it should not have to change through the show.

have i got this wrong?

Hi Nikolai, I realise this topic is a little old but I’d be interested in knowing how you got on with this setup (3D objects moving on a set together with the accuracy of the 3D mapping within watchout). I’ve got something similar in the near future and I’m still not sure if watchout is best for the job or not

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