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I tried to setup a playback control using the iphone app, but probably I didn't understood the concept.

I could connect to the displays computers IPs, but not to the main computer.

How it works ?





I assume by the 'main computer' you mean WATCHOUT Production.

The WATCOHUT Remote control app talks directly to the display(s),

production must be turned OFF (or at least offline) to use WATCHOUT Remote.

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All display computers are managed through the connection to a single display computer.

That single computer is known as the "cluster master".

When you choose a show to load, the cluster master looks in the show file

and determines the addresses of all the other computers in the group.

The cluster master then contacts all the other computers on its own and manages their following along.


So if your show file contains 12 display computers, all 12 computers are managed through the single connection.

Any computer within the group can act as a master, does not matter which one you choose,

they all contain a copy of the show file.

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  • 1 month later...

the WO remote app rocks... However we experience the following: The iPhone or iPad keeps disconnecting. We tested it using a D-Link router as well as an Airport express, same problem.


we use dedicated IP addresses. Tested in our studio environment whee another wireless router is operating but we never connected it to the Airpot express nor the D-Link.


Any idea why this happens and what potential solution we may use?


once launched, the show runs but if we need to reconnect, there is a short stop in the show before it continues playing.


Thanks in advance.



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