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I have 2 question friends


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1 hour ago, MAHESH VERMA said:


1- How to use Watchout Cube software with dataton watchout 6.

2- How to make trigger in dataton watchout 6.

A WATCHOUT Cube is a vague description, seems to describe hardware. 

First step is to determine the capabilities of your Dataton WATCHOUT License (USB key, reference https://knowledge.dataton.com/knowledge/the-difference-between-different-watchout-keys-and-versions)

The best way to accurately determine the supported version is with the License Manager tool found in WATCHOUT Production v5.5.x or any v6 version (Window - License Manager).

Once you 

* confirm your WATCHOUT License (USB key) supports v6

* confirm your “WATCHOUT Cube” Windows OS has  been tuned for WATCHOUT (reference either https://forum.dataton.com/topic/3235-windows-10-tweaking-guide/ or https://cdn.dataton.com/Files-PDF-etc/misc/Windows_7_Tweaking_list_2.1.pdf?mtime=20180319104650)

Then all you need to do is uninstall the old version 

and install the new version.


There are many ways to externally trigger WATCHOUT. The live show community leans toward using MIDI controllers to trigger events. There are also WATCHOUT dedicated controllers designed for the live show market that are quite powerful. The installation market leans toward control systems (Dataton WATCHNET, PixiLab, Medialon, Crestron, etc). Other methods exist like time timecode chase. Even DMX (via ArtNet) can be set up to trigger events although it is cumbersome to configure.

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