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"A new guard page for the stack cannot be created" System Error


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We are running Watchout 6.6.5 on very nearly freshly minted servers from Show Sage (first deployed in a December, a few short months ago). They are running Windows 10 and I generally trust ShowSage to have thoroughly implemented the recommended tweaks (though I can certainly run through it again if that's the recommendation). We are routinely experiencing this "A new guard page for the stack cannot be created" error on the Watchout production machine. It is generally preceded by a couple of updates where changes have been made do not appear on stage and the layers no longer stack correctly, then the error message, followed by a hard crash (though not one hard enough to generate a dump file). The Google searches for this error are all over the place, though it usually involves some kind of memory leak that eventually leads to a crash across a number of programs and it's not solely related even to image processing applications. Has anyone else had any experience with this or have any recommendations for solving it? The crashes are frequent enough to be quite disruptive to programming. Any help or insight would be greatly appreciated. 


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  • Dataton Partner


I've not seen such an error myself but if you trace the error on google and it could be connected to memory leaks, I would certainly get MEMTEST or any similar test (not necessarily the built-in memory test in Windows)  and would run this on the production computer.

The next point would be to contact Show Sage support.

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The fact that newmethos returned normal operation by restoring the builders known good state, would beg the question “what software was added in the field?”. Software like VLC media player and some variants of VNC remote access software and some others mess with WATCHOUT a lot. That may be where you need to look. Also, the restore would eliminate any virus or some such if it were an underlying issue.

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