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Moving project from WATCHOUT 5.5.2 to 6.6.7 Rendering Error with audio

Jacques Collin

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I just converted a project from WATCHOUT 5.5.2 to 6.6.7.  At first some videos in Apple Animation 800 x 800 could not be found by the production software, although they were at the same place as before.  I repaired the install and now video appears OK, but I get an error message "Rendering Error: Not implemented; Not implemented" when playing over an audio cue in WAV stereo, 16 bits.  When I look at the Audio Cue specifications, I don't see the grid for the channel assignments.

My Production computer is a Macbook Pro 9,2 core i7, 1 TB SSD, Bootcamp partition running Windows 7. 

Any hints on a better install procedure?  When I uninstall version 6 and re-install version 5, all works flawlessly... By the way Installation of 6.7.1 does not complete, thus the 6.6.7.

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The audio driver should come from the entity providing the audio hardware. In the case of motherboard audio, then the motherboard vendor. If this is not possible, i believe there maybe generic WASAPI drivers that may do the trick. Hopefully someone can assist with a source for that.

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Check the watchpoint audio output menu to confirm the audio is correctly assigned to the 2i2.

Switching from v5 to v6 may break audio cues, they may lose their assignment to a server. It is best to update all audio cues from the old ‘assign by an icon on the stage’ to the newer ‘assign by server name’.

I also encountered a v5 system that when updated would not play some of its wav files (that worked in 5). Opening them in an audio editor and resaving them cleaned that up.

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You were correct about audio cues being "broken": I created a new project in WO6 and imported the very same audio cues in the timeline and they work.  Of course, going into Preferences and assigning Focusrite ASIO was something I had not thought of!  And Lo and Behold, ASIO4ALL also appears in the choices. 

Thank you Jim!  Now I know what I need to do to make the project run in Watchout 6.6.7.  I will install 6.7.2 when it becomes available.

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I have a lot of experience that show files do not work properly during version migration. 

The content that was normally played does not work after the update (of course, it works normally when you create and import a new show) 

There is also an experience that the queue made does not work. 

In particular, 5>6 had more frequent problems

I don't migrate as much as I can

If necessary, the version upgrade is performed by recreating the show by hand

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5 hours ago, artboy said:

I have a lot of experience that show files do not work properly during version migration. 

The content that was normally played does not work after the update (of course, it works normally when you create and import a new show) 

There is also an experience that the queue made does not work. 

In particular, 5>6 had more frequent problems

I don't migrate as much as I can

If necessary, the version upgrade is performed by recreating the show by hand

Seems an example of “your milage may vary”. I am not sure what you have experienced but that is not always the case. I have a fair amount of experience migrating shows from old versions, including moving shows from v4 to v6 and shows from v5 to v6. While i have observed issues with audio cues - video, stills and tween animation have been trouble free. In almost every case the migration included display upgrades that increased display resolution at the same time. To accomodate increased resolution i would move the original content to a different stage area where virtual displays at the original resolution were added. Then the virtual displays were scaled to the higher resolution new displays. That technique maintains original programming while providing access to the new resolution for new content.


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