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mapping three canvases with one display


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Hello WO community,


first sry for my bad english, i try my best :) and sry if the topic was discussed before but i did not find a satisfying solution.

I'm new to WO and by now i tested most of its features. No my question is:


Is there a way to do mapping inside of a single Display Area like common mapping software can do or do i need such a software additionally?


My goal is to use only one projector for 3 thin but very high canvases. The canvases are parallel but moved in x and z position. It's clear that i could do this perfectly with three Displays, doing the perspective correction individually but in the current situation i only have one projector.


thx for help and best regards


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Corners is good solution (I use that for mapping a box from one projector some time ago) but each correction = update too see the result on projection. I think better (or maybe I should say faster) way is to make template in madmapper or in graphics software where you can see live what you do, with all surfaces where you need content. With this templete you can go to Watchout and use Corners, templete will be background for Corners adjustments.

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