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Multiple different edge-blends


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I am in the process of setting up 3 different clusters of projectors within the same exhibition hall.  We are using 6 WatchPax2 units with 2 different types of projectors.  One is a 5 HD (16% overlap) panorama with 8K Projection Design projectors, on which I had to tweak the overlap curve to get a good uniform blend.  We will shortly begin setting-up 2 more pans using short-throw 3 K Mitsubishi projectors, these 2 screens have different overlap : one is 20%, the other 50% and share one of the 3 WatchPax2.  All three projections need to be in synch so they were programmed in the same Show, but as far as I know the edge-blend tweak applies to all of the displays simultaneously, does it not?  So, chances are that my edge-blend on Screen 1 will not work adequately on my other screens…  Is there a way to program the WatchPax with different edge-blend presets?  Or should I run two different programs triggered from an outside device?


Thank you for your insight,




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  • Dataton Partner

Jacques, what is with-holding you from using the blending option in the projectors? Especially with the PD projectors you should have a better result since you probably have black level compensation and such available. Then you can use watchout's blending curve for the mitsubishi's. (Just don't forget to put screen 2 and 4 of the 5-blend on a different tier to disable the blend for this panorama).

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  • Dataton Partner

Mike, that is great news. Just wondering how to adjust the independent blend of any screen where you disable the "Use default soft edges" option ??  And would it allow you to change this setting for a group of (multiple left and right) edges at the same time, in case of TS's example? Or would you have to repeat a tedious procedure for each blend within a 5 projector widescreen? 

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Two different edge-blends with 6 WatchPax follow-up.  We finally worked out the solution for our installation by separating the program into two programs of the same length with two different Clusters on the same Ethernet network.  So one program was dedicated to the Projection Design F-32 projectors and the second one to the Mistsubishi projectors.  It has been running flawlessly in the Museum of Civilisation in Quebec City for the last month, the WatchPax work as advertised!  By the way, the F-32 does not have a edge-blend feature by itself, Barco sells an external device to do this but it is quite expensive and you need one per projector.


Thank you all,



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For the Barco/Projectiondesign F32 Series there's two Warp&Blend-boxes, if needed, WB1080/WB2560.




As mentioned, not too cheap...they can do some nifty stuff though. Primarily used for simulaton & VR.

Jacques solution above was what I would've done, too.


The Barco (Folsom) ScreenSHAPER, that's a really old one, those were the days, I'm old too  :lol:  : 




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