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License Key


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Hi there!


I´m new to watchout and I have just seen it one time working in a theater.

I downloaded the application from this side because I thought I could test it out

for learning and I had the information, that I don´t need a license key, when I don´t use

any display computers. So just trying it out with one computer.


Do I need a license key? And the next q is, do I really have to buy a full license for learning

the software?


Thanks for your patiency!

Best regards,


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WATCHOUT | Art. No. 3150

Consists of a single license key/dongle. You need one license key for each WATCHOUT display computer and one license key for the WATCHOUT production computer. If you just want to test the software without display computers connected, there is no need for license keys.

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You can download the software and run the production software without a license key. You can use this to learn the software. Also take a look at all the training videos on our website (see under "WATCHOUT support center, Training movies").


You'll need license keys if you want to connect real displays/projectors to run a full system.



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Thanks a lot for the information.

I downloaded it already and when I start watchout, it comes with a spot that there is no license key found on the system.

So how can I start without a license key?


WATCHOUT 5 is a family of three applications:

  • WATCHOUT Production (watchmaker.exe or sometimes known as just watchmaker)
  • WATCHOUT Display (watchpoint.exe or sometimes known as just watchpoint)
  • WATCHOUT Dynamic Image Server (ImageServer.exe)
All three are always installed when you run the WATCHOUT Installer.

After an install, shortcuts should appear on the desktop for at least Prodcution and Display.


WATCHOUT Production will function without a license with two exceptions:

  • A license is needed to go online and transfer the production to the displays.
  • A license is needed to export a movie of the production.
WATCHOUT Production should not ask for a license key if you do not attempt those two functions.

You will be able to create a new show, open an existing show, edit / make changes and save.

All preview functions are active. All without a license.


WATCHOUT Display and WATCHOUT Dynamic Image Server on the other hand

have no function without a license USB key.

They will display a logo screen and ask for a license when opened.

Could you be opening one of those two applications instead of WATCHOUT Production?

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