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Light control Command

Tim M

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Hi everyone!

I've got some troubles with control commands.

We 've got Butler xt2 & commands for turning the light on and off.

TCP Port 50000

UDP Port 50001


Commands are:







There are no message errors, but we' ve got no effect too.

How can I change commands to make them correct in Watchout?

Tried to change TPC/UDP, to add $0A & $0D - no effect.


From D3 server these commands are working.

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  • Dataton Partner

If things don't work from the start, I would always use a Telnet software, e.g. Putty, to analyze the problem. If I'm lucky, the system I want to control sends some answers to my command which can help to analyze communication problems.

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Many, many thanks!

It's works!


I haven't used either the D3 or the Butlers, but if I had to guess, I would say the first and last bits are encoded decimal values.  


Try changing this:



To this:




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FYI the use of the backslash to designate a hex value is invalid in WATCHOUT string commands.

WATCHOUT uses a dollar sign instead of the backslash.


So, if 


works, then 


will also work.

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Thanks for the clarification.

But if that is the case - decimal 62 and the > symbol would transmit exactly the same over the communication channel,

there is no difference once it is transmitted. The two methods very in data entry, they are the same in transmission.


So that just confuses me more iono.gif

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