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WATCHOUT 5 crashing when opening 4.0 shows


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I had a successful upgrade to 5.0 on all my computers. But, when I try to open previous shows (4.0+), it gets about half way to caching the show and then says the program must shut down. Any ideas?


Windows 7.0 (up to date SP1+)

8.0 GB RAM


Appreciate any help.

It is possible that audio files in your v4 show are the cause of the load error in v5.

Seems v5's new audio waveform display in the cue can cause this,

for whatever reason WO fails rendering the waveform image and the lock-on-load results.

Try removing the audio cues in v4 or move the audio files from their correct location so WO 5 fails to find them.

This should get the v4 show open in v5.

Once it is opened in v5, bring the audio cue(s) back and it will still fault, but not fatally,

WO will then bring the audio into the show without the waveform display.

If need be, use an audio proxy to get around the waveform render error.

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Are all tweaks for WATCHOUT under Windows 7 applied?

Since you are using 8 GB of RAM, I suspect you are using 64-bit.

Your problem then is that Windows Media Features/Windows Media Center should be turned off!

Otherwise it will interfere with normal WO playback.

Please see the sticky note in the forum for the guidelines on tweaking.

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There seems to be many new issues with WO 5 and audio files...I couldn't convert my V. 4.3 shows until I removed my WAV file soundtrack...it appears WO 5 is picky about the exact WAV file codec used...I finally got it to open with Windows WAV file, but it errors when trying to display the WAV form...


Seems like the feature could use an OFF button...I am told it is because I am using a 35 minute WAV file...


When are we going to see an incremental update to 5.0??

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Jim - I'll try this. However, its not crashing after the caching of all files, but DURING the caching of the previous versions shows. It's when the progress dialog box is up of the caching process. So does your note still apply?


Windows 7.0 (up to date SP1+)

8.0 GB RAM


Appreciate any help.

It is possible that audio files in your v4 show are the cause of the load error in v5.

Seems v5's new audio waveform display in the cue can cause this,

for whatever reason WO fails rendering the waveform image and the lock-on-load results.

Try removing the audio cues in v4 or move the audio files from their correct location so WO 5 fails to find them.

This should get the v4 show open in v5.

Once it is opened in v5, bring the audio cue(s) back and it will still fault, but not fatally,

WO will then bring the audio into the show without the waveform display.

If need be, use an audio proxy to get around the waveform render error.

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Okay, I have moved all the audio files, but when I open a 4.0 show in 5.0 it continues to crash WO. It goes a little longer into the caching progress bar, but still crashes. The computer is up to date, uses W7 with an i7 chip. It's a 32-bit operating system. Any ideas anyone? I MUST be able to open this show somehow. Surely you didn't create a program that requires a 4.5 software and another key to open our previous shows. This must be pilot error of some sort. Any help would be appreciated.


Thanks all.

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Ok, this is then a support issue.

File this at support@dataton.com, not on the forum.

Since we have been running a lot of old version 4 shows, with .wav-files, withouth ANY of these issues,

you describe, you have to supply us with a show where these issues can be reproduceable.

Also, all specs on your computer setup, if tweaked or not, is essential in order to try to help you.

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