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I have some problems with a time schedule in WATCHOUT. It is meant to start playing content at 7 AM and stop at 6 PM, and it worked for a while but now it just plays around the clock and the triggers doesn't work. When I looked at the WATCHOUT LOG it says that the error is: Auxiliary timeline not found. (look at attached picture). Im new to WATCHOUT and this forum so the answer might be very clear for some. 


Thank you.


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  • Member

Just an FYI, you are using the program WATCHNET to schedule a WATCHOUT Cluster.  

It's hard to tell with so little information how the scheduler and scripts are set up.  Somewhere in the start up sequence it looks like there is a line to run an Aux timeline which doesn't exist.  Check the Scripts to see if there is a line for the Aux timeline.  If you don't need it then remove it and make sure you have a line to start the main timeline at zero or whatever point you want it at.   Can you take a image of the script being used at start up?

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Dataton Partner

The commands look ok but are you sure that the cluster is actually fully connected to WATCHNET? A way to find out would be to go into the script part of WATCHNET, to select the scripts and then to execute them form there by pressing Shift+E (if I remember right - don't have an open WATCHNET running right now to check) or to use the command from the menu. If it doesn't work from here either you need to check whether WATCHNET is registered correctly as the controlling head of the system.

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