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Virtual Displays and Composition Looping


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Hello, We are experiencing glitches in our system that may or may not be in Watchout - just trying to check all ends.

I am using virtual displays in a 10 second composition that is looped for the duration of the show. In the past I have seen weird issues with looped compositions and I was wondering if anyone else has seen this as well?

The show I am using this on has 4 display computers feeding into an LED wall. I used 3 virtual displays to span the wall. The glitch we are experiencing is a periodic "flash to black" of one of the rasters inside the virtual display. The virtual displays cover more than one raster so this leads me to believe that it is not in Watchout, however I am still curious about the effectiveness of looping a composition.


Thanks all. 

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I don't know whether you're using the main timeline for your show or an aux timeline. My standard workflow with virtual screens is to use the main timeline for the virtual screen mapping where I place the various virtual screens at 0:00, a pause cue at maybe 5 sec and a loop cue back to this pause cue to make sure that an accidental run command on the main timeline does not loose the mapping. The main timeline is always active! My actual content is then using one or more aux timelines.  

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1 hour ago, RBeddig said:

I don't know whether you're using the main timeline for your show or an aux timeline. My standard workflow with virtual screens is to use the main timeline for the virtual screen mapping where I place the various virtual screens at 0:00, a pause cue at maybe 5 sec and a loop cue back to this pause cue to make sure that an accidental run command on the main timeline does not loose the mapping. The main timeline is always active! My actual content is then using one or more aux timelines.  


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