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Text gone after consolidating?


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Good morning!


I just noticed something weird on 2 shows i'm working on.

After finishing the shows, i thought i would be wise and consolidate both of them to new clean folders, so all the unwanted clutter would be gone. Funny thing was that after opening the consolidated shows i found that my texts, that i made in watchout, were either missing completely from both the presentation and the media window, or in the media window, but not showing in the presentation...


should i have made a setting before consolidating? could be i forgot...


If anyone knows, would love to know!


Thanx in advance


Frank Doeve

R&D Communications

The Netherlands

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I'd like to know too Frank.  Had the same problem on a show I did several years ago and never figured out what was going on.  But, yeah, after consolidating some of the text would disappear.  I just went in and restored it before the show, but I remember thinking that I thought that was odd.


Perhaps a file name was too long?



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