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Help - Midi notes not working


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Hey guys!

I'm running into a problem that's seems weird and I wonder what I'm missing..

I have a Qlab computer triggering my watchour rig VIA MSC.. It works great!


But, when I try to trigger tasks using notes, it doesn't see anything.. I've tried changing channels, notes and velocity and still watchout doesn't even see the signal to "learn" it..


I know at coming into the computer because I can see it on a midi Monitor..


It's important for me to get this working so I can trigger projector tasks from qlab (ie on/off/shutter etc..)


Thanks in advance!


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It is not possible to use MIDI Notes through MSC.

The learn function is designed for a locally connected MIDI device.

WATCHOUT can use 1 MIDI device.


You may use MSC (MIDI Show Control) to trigger cues and timelines in WATCHOUT.




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You can easily work around this using QLab.


Just assign cues to listen on the Midi notes - and tell QLab to send MSC messages linked to the notes. 

You can assign as many cues as you want to the same midi note, so there's really no limit to the amount of messages you can trigger from that note.


I have even setup QLab to "unlatch" latching buttons from a console after firing all cues. It's very flexible.




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OK, now I am confused ...

I don't have access to a test setup to try this on my own at the moment ...


It is not possible to use MIDI Notes through MSC.


I am not even sure what that means. Not sure it matters.


Is it possible to see MIDI notes while MSC is active in preferences?


The learn function is designed for a locally connected MIDI device.

WATCHOUT can use 1 MIDI device.


1 Windows MIDI service, ok.

But multiple devices can be daisy chained within the MIDI domain.

So providing the user gets his MIDI buss setup correctly,

it should be possible to configure multiple MIDI devices

to arrive at Windows as a single Windows MIDI connection.

in other words, 

forget about how the MIDI gets there, regarding WATCHOUT's function,


Is it possible to use MSC on main timeline or subset of auxiliary timelines

while simultaneously triggering other auxiliary timelines with MIDI notes?

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Re: "It is not possible to use MIDI Notes through MSC."

As far as I understand his question & setup, he uses MSC from QLab and it works.
Then, in order to trigger a task, he tries to set up a MIDI Note Input, through learn,

from a non-existent USB MIDI device, which doesn't work.

Or am I misinterpreting this?


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Thanks for the support guys!

I have MSC connected through a local Midi device and working from qlab.

I'm then trying to send notes from the same qlab machine to the same midi device (connected locally to the WO manager).

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Thanks for the support guys!

I have MSC connected through a local Midi device and working from qlab.

I'm then trying to send notes from the same qlab machine to the same midi device (connected locally to the WO manager).


If you connect it directly to the Watchout machine, then you need to set each note up as an input on Watchout.

This is the same for control inputs. Once that's done, trigger it from Qlab and you should see it display in the INPUT window as on (though this is easier with a keyboard where you can press the key for an extended amount of time). 


Also make sure you only have one Midi device on the Watchout machine - i spent hours trying to debug a short time ago before i realised Watchout was responding to one of the other MIDI inputs.


I've been playing quite alot with MIDI / Qlab and control surfaces - i'm going to post about my experience shortly.



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