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Direct Show Media Error Operating System Error #2147220891


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Having an issue with the Watchpax 2 rejecting some video files when loading the WO file from the production computer to the Watchpax 2 with the message:

From Display “Display 1” of Stage Tier “Base” of Stage, Direct Show Media Error

Operating System Error #2147220891.


The show file and video files run fine both on my laptop and on the Watchout production computer screen (brand new Watchout Laptop from Show Sage this week, WO 5.5.1) but the videos do not appear on the display monitor (using as a test instead of a large projector to be used next month), I can see them running on production laptop at the same time not see them on the Display monitor.


Watchpax rejected about half of the video files.  I think a majority of the video file were things I manipulated, adjusted, shorted, slowed down and then saved them from FCPX, but there are a couple I think were store bought from Pond5, I-Stock.


Many thanks,





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The error message you're reporting (-2147220891), translated to the more traditional hexadecimal format (0x80040265) can be looked up here:




Where it says "Cannot play back the file: the format is not supported.". Without knowing anything more about what's in the video fie you're trying to play, that's about as close to an explanation you can get. But presumably, as suggested by others above, the file format isn't supported by WATCHPAX. It may be that the file plays through QuickTime on your other computers (assuming QT is installed). QT is not available in WATCHPAX, which would then explain the difference in behavior. The solution is then to re-encode the file using a recommended video file format.



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  • 7 months later...



Care to explain how you converted the error code to hex? I tried but do not get the same result as you.


Customer has a "Operating System error: -214024770; Directshow media error" message in Production PC when he goes online to transfer mp4 videos to Display PC without success (Display PC is a Mac Pro running Windows 7 with Bootcamp).



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I do not get the same result. My result is Hex CC1C242 (Windows 8.1).


Entered numbers with Dec and QWord enabled. the '-' does not show as a prefix to the number 21402770, i.e. keying the '-' does nothing. Only the umber 21402770 shows thereafter, not -21402770. Key Hex thereafter gives me CC1C242.


With Dec and DWord enabled, my resultant Hex is 1469492.


Can't key more than 5 digits with Word, and more than 2 digits with Byte.


In all cases ,the '-' does not show up as a prefix.

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to Thomas.


sorry, my reply has little mistake.


HEX 80040265 is DEC -2147220891, not -214024770.


anyway if you want show up '-2147220891', press '0' ,'-' , '2147220891' and press Enter.


( 0 - 2147220891 =  -2147220891 )

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Got it! Thanks Andrew.


Hex result of -2147024770 is 8007007E.

Unfortunately, could not find the code in the link that Mike gave : https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dd375623


In any case, the solution to the error was to uninstall Watchout v5 and the previous beta of v6, with a registry clean just in case, and re-install v6 alone or per Mike's guidelines for v5 and v6 to co-exist : http://forum.dataton.com/topic/1694-wo6-and-wo5-on-the-same-computer/

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... which seems to indicate that a DLL is missing. ...


Have seen that error occur when WATCHOUT installation does not properly complete.

Reopen the installer for the version you are running and select "repair",

 this usually fixes it.

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If Jim's doesn't fix your problem, you may want to try installing WATCHOUT on another computer, to see if that one works OK. If so, it may be a system-related DLL that's amiss rather than a WATCHOUT-related one (of which there aren't really that many).



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As aforesaid, problem was fixed with an uninstall of both v5 and v6b9, registry clean, and clean install of v5 and v6b12 per your method, on the Display PCs.


Problem first arose in my own systems with the Production PC having v6b12 (the first public beta) updating the display pcs which had both v5.5.2 and v6b9. However, v5.5.2 had not been installed as a co-exist with v6 per your method. At that time, I had merely copied the entire folder of v5 to another folder, and copy-and-pasted v6b9 into this v5 copy since v6b9 did not have an installer. Both versions were running fine before the installer version of v6b12 was released.


Anyway, uninstalling and re-installing using your method of having v5 and v6 co-existing, all has been good since. Thanks!



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