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Watchout 6 - ISE 2015 small peek


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Love the smell of Watchout 6 in the morning! 




It's with absolute joy that I read about the amazing new features of Watchout 6, 3D and Live editing. HO YEAH! I'm very excited about it.

Due to work i was not able to be at ISE this year. I would like to know if its schedule any live feed of the demo from the Watchout stand or if it's going to be uploaded any content of the preview to the web.


Either way I would like to ask to all of does that are at ISE to share their picture, videos and feedback to the rest of us that couldn't be there.


Thank you all and great work Watchout team!.



Bruno Dias

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Hi Jacquie

I was meant to come to the stand at ISE yesterday for a demo and run through but paying client got in the way at the last minute so I had to cancel. Can you post here when some video is available I am really looking forward to seeing more, it looks perfect for a job we have coming up in June.

Best Regards


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  • Dataton Partner

Although i live 8 km away from the RAI centre, I too can't make it to the ISE this year because of work. Already informed at my local dealer about some features and prices. Any chance the complete feature list is shared on this wonderful forum? Dealer didn't know everything.


Of course an estimated ETA on WO6 would be nice but even more relevant, any chance for us specialists to get a hand on a beta version of watchmaker v6??


Could have really really really used the mapping features on a mapping gig early March, but for that I'll be patient enough until I can upgrade my dongles. ;-)

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Out plan is to do a limited beta in a week or two, and a public beta shortly after that. So stay tuned for this. We'll of course announce it right here. More details on features, videos etc to follow shortly.


To answer some of your questions above ,our plan is to release version 6 "this spring" (that's as specific as I can be at this point). The current beta is fairly stable, though, and once the public beta is out, there's nothing stopping you for using that if you feel it's solid enough.


Since this is a major upgrade, there will be an upgrade fee. The update can be done electronically, so nothing needs to be shipped. Again, more details to follow here on the forum and on our web site.



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@ Claude.Rivet:

take a look at : http://forum.dataton.com/topic/398-if-watchout-works-with-mac/


I think it has been asked a hundred times in this forum.


Watchoutout is Windows only ...



am I seeing Macs? Will WO 6 work on Macs or is it just a thing to have to booth look prettier?





tee, hee. TomT, one of us may have misinterpreted Claude's post.

I took it more light hearted. i.e.


Yes, Claude, Dataton does like to use Apple hardware in their trade show exhibits of PC products.

The new WATCHOUT 6 interface viewed on a big Apple flat panel sure did look good in real life.

But, Macs do run Windows well under bootcamp.

WATCHNET is available for both MacOS and Windows.

WATCHOUT Remote on those platforms and more.

Point is, Mac is part of Dataton's "world", just not for the star player - WATCHOUT ;)


I guess Dataton feels the Apple hardware is attractive (prettier) and I would probably agree.

But I am with you, they should not send such subliminal messages - in this case,

form follows function should rule the day ?  ;)

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