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Watchpax with external sound card

Ivan Bichenko

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Hi Ivan,

You should be able to work with an external USB sound card and Watchpax, although is not a matter strait forward to achieve as long as you'll need to access to the embedded Windows to install any driver. Contact your Dataton dealer or support to try this. I recently used a Watchpax with an ESI Gigaport HD+ sound card and worked quite good.


By other hand, if you're thinking in using a Watchpax as a sound server, maybe is not the better choice.


Kind Regards




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Any Dataton dealer that modifies the configuration of a WATCHPAX it is doing you a disservice.

That results in a 'one off' configuration that voids warranty and Dataton support.


The whole purpose of the WATCHPAX is you can not change its carefully tuned configuration,

making it a known entity.

Fiddle with that and all bets are off.



Hi Ivan,

You should be able to work with an external USB sound card and Watchpax, although is not a matter strait forward to achieve as long as you'll need to access to the embedded Windows to install any driver. Contact your Dataton dealer or support to try this. I recently used a Watchpax with an ESI Gigaport HD+ sound card and worked quite good.


By other hand, if you're thinking in using a Watchpax as a sound server, maybe is not the better choice.


Kind Regards



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  • 5 weeks later...

Any Dataton dealer that modifies the configuration of a WATCHPAX it is doing you a disservice.

That results in a 'one off' configuration that voids warranty and Dataton support.


The whole purpose of the WATCHPAX is you can not change its carefully tuned configuration,

making it a known entity.

Fiddle with that and all bets are off.


Does it mean that it will be not possible to connect Dataton Watchpax to external sound card and install drivers? 

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What does a "next image for Watchpax" mean? Watchout upgrade? Or is it only for Watchpax?



The image referred to is the disc image of the WATCHPAX's internal hard drive.

Updates to WATCHPAX are released via new disc images.

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I would like to perform Dataton disk image update but unfortunately I cannot find any info on this procedure. Should I contact local distributor/representative for the update or is it possible to do it on-site? 


Yes, your local Dataton Premium Partner will be able to assist you with such an update.

However, to the best of my knowledge, there is no new WATCHPAX image update just yet,

the last update was February 2016.

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  • 8 months later...
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Some external sound cards like: http://www.esi-audio.com/products/gigaporthd+/works without installing drivers on a WATCHPAX. We will also add drivers for other USB cards and USB capture devices in the next image for WATCHPAX.



I need to have a 7.1 audio output for a Watchpax 4- Does it means that this card should work? Any other USB audio cards that also should work?


Thank you

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