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Best setup for 35 screen videowall


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Hi, Im dealing with a huge videowall setup and I'm a little lost with best result for the client point of view.


I used to have a partner who sold me the 3 watchout licenses and abandoned the project, since there were some changes from first appreciation.


In the meanwhile another installer came to the project but Im disappointed with the solution they gave me, with lower results in resolution and streetched images viewing.


If someone can help me to discuss best procedures to get better results I can explain mor details about entire project.


Many thanks!





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35-wall output from 3 licences...mmm, that's possible as each licence can output to max 6 outputs per Display PC. It would depend also on the built-in feature/capability of the panels used in the wall.


I once did a 12-wall output from a 1 x 3-output Display PC because the Samsung wall panel could be configured to split a single DVI input into 4 outputs daisy-chain connected. The difficulty was, as you have discovered, controlling the production aspect ratio and resolution of the source video file(s). The 12-wall setup was arranged 2x6-wide (3 sets of 2x2 side by side). How is your 35-wall arranged?

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Normally 3 license key can drive up to 12ouputs(max. 6 outputs per Display PC, and 1 license for Production PC).

unless you use other hardware can split 4K to 4xHD.


please be more clear about what is your requirement and more information about current status,

so we can provide some solution for you.


Running 35 video wall is no problem with Watchout.

Dataton have a showcase running 664!


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Normally 3 license key can drive up to 12ouputs(max. 6 outputs per Display PC, and 1 license for Production PC).

unless you use other hardware can split 4K to 4xHD.


please be more clear about what is your requirement and more information about current status,

so we can provide some solution for you.


Running 35 video wall is no problem with Watchout.

Dataton have a showcase running 664!



Hi ,Morgan

This SG showcase don't have tearing problem when they used different WO server ?,do you know the detail ? they were how to settle this problem ?



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Hi ,Morgan

This SG showcase don't have tearing problem when they used different WO server ?,do you know the detail ? they were how to settle this problem ?

I dont have detail tech diagram for this project.


but using AMD professional grade(firepro W7000 or higher / radeon pro WX7100 or higher)  with S400 sync module can link & lock different Display PC.

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