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8 channels of audio works! Error: failed creating audio waveform

Helge Tjelta

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Hi, just got my watchout to work with 8 channels of audio using Fireface 800 soundcard (via Firewire 400). Audio made in Nuendo from Steinberg. Exported as wave-file.


When dragging this into media window all okay, when dragging the media asset down to timeline I get the error:


Error: Failed creating audio waveform...


But it plays okay.... why problems with creating audiowaveform.... the files are stored on the desktop for testing...


cheers Helge


Watchout 5.1 is installed on a new installed windows 7 32-bit. And no tweaking is done to OS.

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Hi Helge,




Thanks for helping us by sending the file.


This is not an bug but just an "cosmetic" error that the system can not extract the information from the multi channel wave file and "plot" a waveform from it in the cue on the timeline. I know the error message is confusing and I will se if we can change the message in a future release.



Best regards,

Dataton Support / jme

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Nic do the files play or just completely fail?

Can you play them outside of WatchOUT and see all 8 channels working?

What audio interface are you using for playback?

What version of WatchOUT?


The best luck I've had creating 8 cannel wave files was with Audacity. From my clients I request clearly labeled 8 channels "stems". These import into Audacity easily (all the "stems" should be exactly the same length) and then I can either use a default output to interlace the 8 channel file or re-assign the channels to fit my setup (which I try to keep to standard anyway). Everything I've gotten from clients that is pre-programmed 8 channel audio tends to fail unless they've used the same process as I do. From what I've heard the last version of ProTools can't even export a 7.1 wave file but that might have just been the audio guy being lazy or not knowing his software, I don't do much audio creation. Its possible there are simply too many settings in the "pro" software that Audacity has omitted or streamlined but Audacity has not failed me yet. And its free!

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According to pressreleases should the latest version of ProTools, 10, have the "new" feature ie being able to export multichannel .wav or WAVEX. Needs probably to be checked by some audio guy/girl, though...




According to the Pro Tools product manager I spoke with, Pro Tools 9 or 10 can output proper multi-channel wav files.

I am sure Pro Tools support can help you determine how to do this.

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