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One PC is detaching from the show


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One of our pc's is detaching from the show. Internal PC logs can't seem to catch the error. We are not that IT savvy so what we are doing are mostly Shotgun approaches and hope for the best. Like upgrading AMD Catalyst to 12.4 ... replacing CAT5e cables.


It appears network related. And happens once every few days.




Anyways speeding up the data rates of the drive might solve some issues.


Thank you for your post.



Edited by Jan Nordqvist
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To super dataton experts. What are the reasons why watch out display computers detach :( One PC detaches intermittently. Even after we checked the list, and without any window error logs. We have ran 3 days without incident after accomplishing the checklist. We are dumbfounded. :( Stumped. Maybe if one can tell us the reasons we know where to start in our troubleshooting :(


I hope someone was able to rise from this problem.


Network did not detach, no logs catched the problem. Is there something we can run to diagnose our system if it is healthy?


Really desperate, I cannot let my tech guy leave the overseas post and go back home.







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Same thing is happening to me :( I hope there is a way to solve this without using expensive EDID managers. We are running 9 outputs currently, and 9 EDID parrots are expensive and not part of the initial Bill of Quantities submitted to client, so am stuck. I cannot afford out of my pocket.





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If this is a EDID issue, the hardware solution is the only stable and predictable one.

Windows re-arranging the number of outputs, because it thinks it lost one or more Displays,

is impossible for WATCHOUT to stop.


How is your setup done?

Distribution of signals?

All computers tweaked according to our guidelines?



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From the video card it goes to ATEN van cryst V92A splitters / then goes to projectors and vga kvm switchers for easy access when setting up.


What happens is that the watch out screen appears when the pcs detach then all we need to do is to turn the timeline offline then online then restart playing the show.


It happens once every 2 to 3 days .


We shutdown the system daily. Close the system at 9pm and open the system at 8am daily.


I hope there is a less costly solution, we should have prepared for the DVI parrots when we first setup the system, now we are stuck.


I hope there is light at the end of this tunnel.





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If you're running VGA, you may also be able to avoid EDID issues by cutting the signal wire that transports this data in he VGA connector. This procedure is described on page 204 in the WATCHOUT 4 User's Guide (this info was removed in the WATCHOUT 5 user's guide). Also, when a display computer exhibits this problem, is it always the same display, or do you get this problem on any display in your setup? Are you using one display per computer, or do you run multipled displays from some PCs?

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We are running multiple displays. 3 Christies LX700 and 4 LG BX403B and 1 Samsung LED TV. All setup to take in 1024x768.


there are 3 Display computers using powercolor HD7870 cards . Each have 3 connections each. 1 DV1 and 2 MDP per display computers.


The distribution is each display is taking care of 1 Christie and 2 LG BX402B except for Display 3 which takes care of only 1 Christie and 1 Samsung LED TV.


I hope this creates a better picture.





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  • Dataton Partner

Don't buy the 101V!!!!

Not because it's not okay, but because you should then buy the 101D : this one works on both digital and analog signals. Simply use two dvi-i to VGA adapters and you've got an analog solution. More value for money I'd say.


Btw: the lightware EDID manager is almost same price and covers more resolution (but you'd probably won't need them)

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