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What are you using to encode HAP?


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FFmpeg isnt that complicated.

you can always write a .bat command to encode batch videos. you can drag & drop to that .bat or batch encode videos in folder(s)

some people do create UI for ffmpeg, you can google that.


if you can setup preset in ME (and tested), then create a watch folder is also a good idea. 

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I went through this same debate recently for a large project.  I always used to use the Disguise plug in for Media Encoder, but since it hasn't been updated I was unable to make it work.  I tried After Codecs and Jokyo for a plug in option, and Shutter Encoder as a stand alone GUI option.  I didn't detect much difference in the final outputs, and found all options simple to use once I learned the interface.  So basically it is fielder's choice.  YMMV!


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2 hours ago, Steve Farris said:

I went through this same debate recently for a large project.  I always used to use the Disguise plug in for Media Encoder, but since it hasn't been updated I was unable to make it work.  I tried After Codecs and Jokyo for a plug in option, and Shutter Encoder as a stand alone GUI option.  I didn't detect much difference in the final outputs, and found all options simple to use once I learned the interface.  So basically it is fielder's choice.  YMMV!


Yeah I have purchased the Jokyo plugin, going to test that against AfterCodecs. Too bad the Disguise plug for Media Encoder isn't a viable option, that was really the most straight forward method for me. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
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I use FFMPEG Batch AV Converter


Just add this profiles:

HAP no Audio                      c:v hap an                                          mov
Wav from video 48K           c:a pcm_s16le ar 48000 vn               wav
HAP Alpha no Audio           c:v hap format hap_alpha an             mov

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