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Hap Q from AVF batch converter - Quicktime error -8961


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Hello, I have received content from client in HAPQ that on the import to Watchout brings up Quicktime Error -8961. Has anyone experienced this in their workflow? Content was converted using AVF batch converter on a Mac. Watchout version 6.4.1. We tried to additionally install HAP component but that didn't help. Content does play fine in Quicktime player and VLC. If we re-encode the content with Quicktime to HAPQ then it works fine in Watchout. Any pointers?

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Here's a complete list of QT error codes:


The error you see is "noCodecErr", indicating the file uses a codec that can't be found. Since HAP codecs are built into WATCHOUT, QuickTime isn't needed to play such files. But if your file is using an unsupported odec (or an unsupported flavor, as Jim suggests), WO likely falls back on attempting QT (if available), which then fails with the above error.

If you have QT on the machine, you can open the file using the QT app, and it may be able to rell you more about what's in the file. If you know it is some form of HAP, it may likely be the "HAP Q Alpha" flavor, which, as Jim says, isn't supported.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Jim and Mike, I am definitely sure it's not HAP Q Alpha, I've tried it on a different machine and there is no Quicktime errors but the file is different colour space, very odd, something isn't alright with export from AVF. 


Screenshot 2019-08-23 16.48.38.png

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The 'Format' shows as Mpeg-4, which is a bit surprising to me. I've only ever used HAP encoded Quicktime movies with a .mov extension. Is this Hap video in an MPEG-4 container, or did it accidentally get renamed as an .mp4? Could that be what's confusing Watchout?

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