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  1. Hi all, how do you start a project file with a certain layer condition enabled? Ideally I could have a shortcut for each condition my setup will use.
  2. Thanks for taking a look! Just pushed version 1.03 which resolves the macOS symbol issue. -Tim
  3. Hi all, I’d like to share my realtime LTC Timecode Generator Application that allows you to create cue lists containing named timecode ranges. It's meant for synchronizing multiple devices. The main benefit here is you won't have to export and manage timecode files, but rather LTC is generated in real time. It is built in Touchdesigner so you will need to install that first, but no touchdesigner experience needed as this opens just like a standalone application. I've only tested it on PC, but Touchdesigner runs well on mac as well so there shouldn't be issues. All features are available in the free non-commercial license so you can evaluate it. https://github.com/franklin113/LTC-Timecode-Generator The repo's readme has a full feature list and instructions on how to use it. Keep in mind this is still beta, if you plan on using this in production, please test thoroughly and feel free to shoot me a message and I can assist you in implementing into your workflow. You can also put issues on the repo so I can track and resolve them. Thanks! -Tim
  4. Hello all, I've started a little Watchout tutorial series on Youtube and thought I'd post a link here in case anyone is interested. It's meant to supplement Dataton's own tutorials so I try not to simply recite what is already available, but rather provide techniques that I've found useful and additional information. If anyone is interested in a video on any specific topic, feel free to let me know. I only have 6 videos so far, but plan on doing more. Here's a link to the playlist of what is uploaded so far - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZVbpbkMpFQc0t4efEF5quFgvsou2HNZL Thanks! -Tim
  5. Did you have any opacity tweens on these cues? I had an issue similar to this and the solution was to give extra space between fade in / fade out opacity tween points. Gave it a second after the fade in and about .1 seconds before the fade out and totally fixed it. Make sure the pause cues are not exactly on top of any opacity tweens whatsoever.
  6. Can you provide the specs for the files? A screenshot from media info to get all the details would be best.
  7. Hi all, Does anyone have experience using Domprojection Projection Tools to map the outside of a sphere? Considering it's mainly used for the interior of domes, I'm curious if it would work for the outside of a sphere. We will be using 10 projectors and need very quick calibration. The sphere's diameter is 65'. Thanks, Tim
  8. Try this- create an input with a range greater than 188.5 and add the below expression to a media cue. Y >= 188.5 ? Y - 1 : 0
  9. After reading this I threw together a little UI in Touch Designer to toggle layer conditions via UDP. I've found that 1073741823 enables all conditions, 1073741824 disables all, and as stated above, 0 just goes to the default. I don't think it's overflowing the expected max amount because an error is thrown if you exceed a certain number. I did not experience any crashes throughout my testing either. Here's the github page - https://github.com/franklin113/Touch-Designer Keep in mind, this was merely a test to learn more about this and didn't do much real testing once I got it working. I'm very excited to check out your app once it's released, Mat.
  10. I've uploaded to github a small application that searches through aux timelines for filenames/keywords and prints that timeline's name if the file is found. It's basically just automating the approach I posted above using a gui app. Source code and an EXE are available. here's the link - https://github.com/franklin113/Find_Media_Cues.git
  11. I'm not releasing the source code publicly right now, but I probably will at some point. It's just stuck at 00:00:00.0 when you run a command? What version of windows? Ive tested it on three windows 10 PC's.
  12. Hi all, I've been developing a small application to externally control Watchout's aux timelines and to provide a few extra features that I've needed on recent shows. It controls the production machine only and runs on windows. It's a rather simple app.. Here are it's primary functions - retrieves all your aux timelines and populates a listbox automatically grabs the duration of each up to a control cue titled "!end". ( you place that in each timeline wherever you want the countdown to end) displays that duration for each provides a countdown timer for the task that's currently running. Basic playback controls - play, stop, go to 20, go to 10, ect It's mainly a personal project, but I think it could contribute to the community so I'm releasing the beta for free. If anyone is interested in testing it out, here's a link to the page - http://timsfranklin.com/taskmanager/ Feel free to offer feature requests. Thanks, Tim
  13. If it's a piece of media that I know is in a bunch of timelines and comps I just use notepad to sort it out. Copy all aux timelines and paste data into notepad. search the filename Once you find the file just scroll up/page up to the closest timeline to retrieve the name Filename Timeline name
  14. Hi Erik, I finally got a chance to test this and have discovered that it's the production machine that's causing the problem. When I use high quality previews with HAP codec I get the error. I rarely use best quality previews and have only recently needed to use it with a set of virtual displays to aid in alignment. Even after turning off Best Quality I continued to get the errors for a period of time. Here are some specs on the production machine- Watchout 6.1.1 Nvidia GeForce GT 610 Driver Version - Date: 02/05/15 Intel Core i7-3770K @ 3.5Hz Windows 8.1 Hap Codec is not installed. I haven't been able to get the Watchout version up to date yet as we will be using this machine for a bunch of shows coming up in the next week. The production software will use it's own HAP decoder as well, correct? Thanks!
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